Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms

One of Our Favorite Fall Activities

Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms

Over the weekend we went back upstate to one of our favorite orchard’s to go apple picking. This is always one of our favorite fall activities. It kind of marks the beginning of the season for us. Allix and Poppy came along with us for a full day of fun! 

Since we don’t have a car here in the city, we rented one and we were off on our way upstate. Fishkill Farms is only about an hour and 20 minutes north of the city. The drive is so beautiful, especially with the leaves beginning to change. 

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_third_last] [one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_half_last]

Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms

There is a $5 admission fee for every adult, and then they have two sizes of bags for you to pick your apples into. We opted for the larger one because all 3 of us share one big bag. Their website is great, and tells you exactly which varieties are ready to pick every week. 

This particular day was absolutely beautiful. It was a cool day with just a little bit of sun, so perfect for walking through the orchard. This year we decided to also pick some sunflowers! They were $1 each or 12 for $10! We grabbed a dozen and they look so pretty in our apartment! 

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_third_last]

Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Fishkill Farms[/one_half_last]

Apple Picking

After you purchase all of your freshly picked items, you can drive back around to the farm store and buy some yummy homemade things like the apple cider donuts! Trust us, you NEED them! 

Now we are in full on baking mode trying to get through all of the apples before they go bad! 

-Shelbs xx



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