Why You Should Be Jade Rolling

What It Is And All The Benefits

Why You Should Be Jade Rolling

Jade facial rollers have been around for centuries- as far back as the 17th century in China! The jade stone was believed to have healing and protective properties. The modern jade roller is actually a very simple tool. It’s a piece of jade stone attached to a metal frame, very similar to a paint roller. Many versions are dual-ended, featuring a smaller stone on the opposite end for use on smaller areas, like around the eyes. I use this one. Why should you be jade rolling? Jade rolling your face aids with skincare absorption, helps with puffiness, eases sinus pain, massages the facial muscles, and increases circulation. I prefer to use my jade roller at room temperature, but you can keep it in the freezer is you want that extra cooling sensation. 

It is very easy to add a jade roller to your skincare routine. Cleanse, exfoliate, apply serum, oil, and/or moisturizer as you normally would. You can see what skincare products I use right here. Using an outward and upward motion, doing about three up-and-out passes per area, roll the jade roller all over your face for about two minutes. Then wipe your face clean and add more serum or moisturizer. The product you previously applied has been pushed deeply into your skin during jade rolling, so it doesn’t hurt to apply more for some extra moisture. 

There’s no harm in jade rolling every day, but it’s most commonly done three or four times a week. I prefer to do it in the morning rather than at night, because I feel like it helps to wake up my skin. While it’s most commonly used as a skincare tool, you can also roll the cool jade over your temples and sinuses to ease a headache or over your jaw to destress as a more of a wellness approach. 

Have you ever tried jade rolling? 



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