2018 Goals and Dreams

Let’s Make 2018 The Year!

2018 Goals and Dreams

I’ve never liked the idea of resolutions, but I like the idea of setting goals and dreams for yourself. Some people might say that is the same thing, but I see it differently. There are a few things that I really want to implement into my life in the new year. Setting short and long term goals really helps with the transition into the new year. 2017 has been a year for sure, but I have faith that 2018 will bring us some amazing new opportunities!

Eat cleaner.

If you watch our YouTube videos you would have seen that I am going to start embarking on an AIP diet. AIP stands for Auto Immune Protocol. It’s a “diet” for people with autoimmune diseases to help heal their guts in an attempt to put your disease into remission. As I mentioned in our videos, I don’t have a definite diagnosis yet, but changing my diet can only help me, not hurt. I’m hoping that I can take all of you along on this journey with me. Mostly because I will totally need the support and accountability. Here’s to a great 2018!

Live More Minimally.

When we moved almost 6 months ago we had a huge purge of a lot of our things. We wanted our interior space to be really minimal, and only things that we use and love. I also really love a minimalist style, and to me it is way less stressful. Anytime things start to pile up in the apartment, I can feel a lot of stress coming on. My goal is to eventually have a capsule wardrobe, but I feel at this point that would be a little hard for me. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]2018 Goals and Dreams[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]2018 Goals and Dreams[/one_half_last]
Travel As Often As I Can.

As much as y’all love seeing where we travel, we love it so much more. Ashley and I were bit by the travel bug when we were little, and ever since we have wanted to see the entire world! So far I believe we have a trip planned for every month of 2018! I can’t even tell you how happy that makes me! Some are small, some are adventurous! That’s just how we like it. We tend to pick a variety of places, so that everything is a little different! Make sure you are following us on social media so you never miss our announcements of where we are going. As a little treat for reading this post you get to hear it here first that we are heading to Charleston, South Carolina in January! 

Transition Into Non Toxic and Natural Beauty & Cleaning Products.

This is one that Ashley has already started doing, but I haven’t completely jumped on board yet. The biggest one has been trying to find a natural deodorant. I have been complaining on Insta Stories about how I can’t find one that works for me, but I have made it my mission to find one this year. I also would love to get rid of all of the chemicals in our cleaning products, and really transition my beauty products into natural ones. 

2018 Goals and Dreams

I would love to hear what dreams and goals you have for yourself in 2018! Let’s make this a great year!

Ashley and I are going to be taking a little time off to spend time with our family, but we will see you back here on January 3rd! We will be on social media, so if you miss us come say hi there! Happy Holidays everyone, and a very Happy New Year!

-Shelbs xx

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