2019 Follower Survey

Happy New Year!

2019 Follower Survey

We hope that each of you enjoyed the holidays, and are rested and ready to start the new year! We truly unplugged for the first time maybe ever, and didn’t even let ourselves really think about business stuff for a bit. And while that was a lovely break, we missed connecting with each of you every day! 

So coming back to the internet from our black hole with fresh eyes and a new perspective, we have some questions we’d love if you could take a few moments of your day to answer. We sat down today to plan some 2019 content and discuss some exciting changes we want to implement (more on that tomorrow!), but as much as we do what we do for ourselves, we also do it for you guys, and we’d love to know what you’d like to see (and what you don’t!) in the coming year. 

You can respond in the box below, or click here to be taken to a separate page. 

Just a note, all of your responses are anonymous, so please feel free to be candid as we won’t have any idea who says what. 


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these survey questions! We really appreciate it!
-Ash and Shelbs

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