4 Highlights From The Month Of March

So Many Amazing Memories

4 Highlights From The Month Of March

Hey Y’all! Happy Friday, and Happy April! Can you believe we are already a quarter of the year through? Seriously where has the time gone? It’s flying by, but we are doing so many fun things in the meantime! We recapped February for you, so we thought we would do the same for March! We had some amazing opportunities, but here are the highlights!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]4 Highlights From The Month Of March[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]4 Highlights From The Month Of March[/one_half_last]

We started off the month by trying all of the pizza. Well, not exactly. We shared the best places to get pizza in NYC, and y’all loved it! These are all places that we frequent and have tested out, so you know you are getting the real deal. You know my obsession with pizza, so you can believe that every single one of these places have passed the Shelbs test! Pizza is such an iconic thing for New York, and I couldn’t believe that we hadn’t shared our favorites yet! Well, now you have the perfect list for your next trip to NYC!

4 Highlights From The Month Of March

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]4 Highlights From The Month Of March[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]4 Highlights From The Month Of March[/one_half_last]

So, we moved into our new apartment back in July. We told y’all that we would do an apartment tour video as soon as everything was furnished and done. Well, decorating an apartment is expensive and hard. It’s not quite done yet, but we did finally film our NYC apartment tour, and it’s over on our YouTube channel! We love how our place turned out, so we were so excited to share it with you. 

4 Highlights From The Month Of March

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]4 Highlights From The Month Of March[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]4 Highlights From The Month Of March[/one_half_last]

Our trip of the month was to Copenhagen, and let me tell you it was amazing! Our mom flew up to NYC to go with us, and we all had such a great time. It was cold and windy but nonetheless beautiful. Now we have been to Norway and Denmark. Just Sweden and Finland left to round out the scandinavian countries! You can watch our travel vlog right here, and read all about where to eat in Copenhagen right here.  

4 Highlights From The Month Of March

Ashley loves to read. She can read 5 different books at a time. I on the other hand love to read as well, but I always prefer watching YouTube videos, movies, or tv shows. If I’m caught up on all of that then I will pick up a book. Ash read so many books this past month and she shared them all with you over on the blog. Do you have any recommendations for what she should read next?

Also, be sure you are signed u for our weekly newsletter! We will be announcing our next few trips very very soon! Have a great weekend!!! Plus follow us on Instagram, because we post on our feed and insta stories every single day! That is the quickest way to get ahold of us as well if you have a question! 

-Shelbs xx


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