5 Highlights From The Past Few Weeks

2018 Has Been A Great Year

It has been such a fun and exciting past few weeks over at As Told By/Sister Market HQ! Really this entire year has been great, but I thought I would do a little recap of the past few weeks for you just in case you missed something super exciting. 

5 Highlights From The Past Few Weeks

Travelling With Our Mom. We’ve been able to travel a lot these past few years, but the trips with our mom always end up being so much fun. She recently came with us to Seattle & Portland. We’ve always wanted to visit there. It was the perfect spot to take our mom. It was full of so much coffee, fall weather, and all around fun times!

5 Highlights From The Past Few Weeks

Disney World. I know It seems like I’ve been talking about Disney World forever, but it was truly so much fun. I hadn’t been in 20 years, so it was the perfect way to celebrate my birthday but more importantly to let go for a few days and get to experience all of the Disney Magic. My favorite moment from the whole trip was having dinner in the Beast’s castle and then getting to meet Belle & Gaston afterwards. Belle has always been my favorite Disney princess, so it was just a dream come true! 

5 Highlights From The Past Few Weeks

Turning 26. I wrote an entire post about all of the thoughts I have about turning 26, so I won’t bore you here. It’s crazy how fast time is flying. It still seems like yesterday that 18 year old Shelby landed in NYC ready to start an adventure of a lifetime. It’s hard to comprehend that I am now in my late 20’s but I’m just going to embrace it.

5 Highlights From The Past Few Weeks

The Sister Market Launch. Y’all, this has been the most stressful but most fun thing we have done all year. We have always wanted to have a little shop like this. It has been so cool putting it together from start to finish. I finally felt like I was doing something that my college degree taught me. I think my professors would be proud of my retail math skills. All of the support we have received has been absolutely incredible so far. We hope you love all of your orders! Don’t forget you can see all of the behind the scenes of building The Sister Market over on our YouTube channel!

5 Highlights From The Past Few Weeks

Holiday Markets In NYC. This is my absolute favorite time of the year in NYC. All of the holiday markets truly make me so happy. We visited the Bryant Park market last weekend and it did not disappoint. If you have never bene to New York during the Holiday season you need to make that a priority. There is nothing like it! Okay maybe London at Christmas is a very close 2nd, so add them both to your list!

Don’t worry, next week we will have your full guide to Black Friday Sales, and we will begin all of our Holiday Gift Guides for you! We’ve already started putting them together, and there are so many cute things you don’t want to miss out on! 

-Shelbs xx


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