5 Things I Can’t Live Without

I Always Have These Items With Me

5 Things I Can't Live Without

You know that age old question “If you were stranded on a deserted island what items would you bring with you?” I would never be able to pick just one, so I picked five. No surprise there, I’m always extra! Seriously though, I’m pretty high maintenance in a lowkey way if that makes any sense at all. I have a routine, and I have a lot of things that I have to have on a daily basis to keep my anxiety at bay. So, if for some reason I were to be on a deserted island, or anywhere for that matter, these are the 5 things I can not live without.

A Big Cozy Sweatshirt. Yes, even on an island I would bring a sweatshirt. It’s just who I am. I live in loungewear sweatshirts. I always buy one that is four sizes to big so I can literally crawl into it. Having a sweatshirt that big feels like a constant hug. Seriously, I highly recommend! If you go back and watch any of our vlogs, chances are that I’m wearing a sweatshirt. Usually one of the many Harry Styles merch ones I own. Gotta support my future BAE right!?

Music. I’ve talked about what music means to me before, but I actually can’t even go 30 minutes without listening to music. I start to go a little crazy. Music has always been an escape and comfort for me. Anytime I’m anxious one of the only things that can calm me down is music. Music has always been a HUGE part of my life, and that will never change. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]5 Things I Can't Live Without[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]5 Things I Can't Live Without[/one_half_last]

5 Things I Can't Live Without

Deodorant. Kind of a weird one I know, but I really couldn’t live without deodorant. I’ve been raving about the Primally Pure one for a couple months now! It’s so good, and the first one that I haven’t had a bad transition period for. I’m not a smelly, or sweaty person but I have to wear deoderant every single day no questions asked!

My Phone. Trust me, I hate myself just as much as you hate me for putting this one on here. I know I know, but it’s true. My life is my phone. All of my photos, memories, and conversations live on this small little device. I really couldn’t live without it. I also do a majority of my work from my phone. It would be really hard to survive without it in this day in age. 

Comfortable Shoes. I talked all about this a couple weeks ago when I confessed my love for sneakers, but this is a huge one! Our feet get us everywhere. Life is too short not to wear comfortable shoes. Does anyone really enjoy wearing heels anyway? I would like to have a conversation with those people because I don’t believe them. 

If you want 10% off your Primally Pure order use code ASHANDSHELBS10 

What are the 5 items that you can’t live without!? Leave me a comment down below and let’s chat about it!

-Shelbs xx



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