5 Things On Our Summer Bucket List

5 Things On Our Summer Bucket List

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]5 Things On Our Summer Bucket List[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]5 Things On Our Summer Bucket List[/one_half_last]

Summer is in full swing and it’s time for us to pull together our annual summer bucket list! This year there are 5 things on our summer bucket list we want to be sure to accomplish before autumn arrives. 

  1. Go to Smorgasburg – We didn’t actually make it here last year, so we HAVE to go this summer! We actually have plans to go this Saturday for my birthday, so fingers crossed we have good weather! Since it’s been a couple of years since we’ve been, I’m excited to see what new vendors are there and visit some of our old favs. 
  2. Ride Boats in Central Park – This is something that Shelby has wanted to do for ever. She brings it up every summer and every year I make up excuses to not go do it, haha. But I think we need to make it happen this summer. Maybe over fourth of July weekend?
  3. Have More Picnics – We’ve done this already a few times this year, but I want to keep it up! So far we’ve only picnicked in our neighborhood park, but we need to head over to Central Park some too!
  4. Go See the Fashion Exhibit at the MET – Maybe you’ve heard of the Met Ball, which occurs the first Monday of every May, but the gala always debuts a fashion exhibit that runs through the summer. We literally live down the street from the MET, so we need to pop over there soon! 
  5. Plan a Beach Vacation – We like to head to a beach at least once every year. Last year we went to Mexico, which was really fun, but this year we were thinking about maybe heading to somewhere in Florida. We’ve been to the Destin area a bunch, so maybe we’ll head there again? Where do you guys like to go/stay in Florida? Send us your recommendations! 

What’s on your summer bucket list?



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