5 Ways To De-Stress After Work

The Things That Work For Me

5 Ways To De-Stress After Work

Dealing with high stress issues at a job isn’t fun for anyone. Spending 8+ hours a day feeling anxious with high intensity pressure obviously isn’t healthy, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. Regardless, that is not an emotion I want to carry over to my personal time after work hours. I’ve learned a few tips and tricks over my years as a working adult to flip that emotion around. These are 5 ways to de-stress after work that work for me-

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]5 Ways To De-Stress After Work[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]5 Ways To De-Stress After Work[/one_half_last]
  1. Face Mask: For me, doing a face mask isn’t just about skincare. When I do a face mask (these are some of my favs) I’ll either mediate, listen to music, or an episode of my current favorite podcast. It’s all about slowing down and being present in the moment.
  2. Take a Bath/Shower: Sometimes simply taking a hot shower to literally wash the day off will give me the clean start I need. If I have more time I’ll run a bath, light a candle, throw in some bath salts, and grab whatever book I’m reading for a good long soak in the tub. 
  3. Paint Your Nails: For me this is a mini outlet of creativity. It’s a quick task, but one that allows me to completely focus my attention on something. This is my current go-to nail polish
  4. Watch an Old Favorite TV Show: Few things lift my mood quicker than watching an episode of one of my favorite TV shows. It’s not always about the show itself, sometimes it’s about the nostalgic feelings derived from watching it, but something about this almost always brings a smile to my face. I started re-watching The OC recently and I forgot how much I used to love that show! Anyone else?
  5. A Yummy Beverage: I’m one of those people that can drink coffee all day every day. I frequently have a cup before going to bed. The caffeine just doesn’t affect me. I’m like my Mom in that way. The smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee is an instant mood booster for me. But if you’re not a coffee person, try a soothing cup of tea. Or on particularly difficult days, I go straight for the alcohol- either whisky or wine depending on my mood. 


What helps you to unwind after a long day at work?



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