How To Practice Self-Love

Love Yourself Through Everything

How To Practice Self-Love

I know that I have gone on and on about this, but over the past year I have worked really hard to put myself first and really work to be happy mentally, physically, and spiritually. I’m here to tell you though, that you can do it to! There are several steps and hurdles that you need to go through to get to that place. The cool thing though is that everyone’s “happy place” is completely different. Everyone’s journey is different, and everyone will go about it in a different way. This is a guide that i followed, but it’s just an outline for you. Your journey will be vastly different from mine, but our end goal is the same. 

Get Rid Of Your Inner Critic. This is probably the hardest hurdle to get through. Criticising everything you do and the comparison trap can really hold you back from your self-love journey. I was actually talking to one of you over on instagram earlier this week and I shared a tactic that I have started implementing. When I am scrolling through Instagram and I see a picture of something or someone I like and I start to compare myself I give them a compliment and then I give myself a compliment. Every single time. Trust me, it really works. It is good to compliment others, but you also have to give it back to yourself. Sometimes we forget that we need that same affirmation that we give to others.  

Give Yourself Permission To Be Imperfect. This kind of goes along with my first point. In this age of social media we feel so much pressure to be perfect 100% of the time. To be completely honest this step wasn’t as hard for me, but I know for some of you it will be. We have always strived to share all of the real moments from our lives. We don’t only film ourselves with full hair and makeup. You see the raw versions of us as soon as we wake up in the morning. That’s a part of who we are, so why in the world would we not share it? I’ve always followed people on social media who are the same way. I think that gave me the confidence to do it. Zoella, is a great example. Yes she has 11 million followers, but she is so truly herself and shows the rawest moments of her life. You don’t need to be perfect you, you just need to be perfectly you. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]How To Practice Self-Love[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]How To Practice Self-Love[/one_half_last]

Grow Yourself. Once you have quieted those inner voices that bring you down you can finally grow. This is where you experiment and learn about yourself. Many years ago I took the love language test and I can’t even tell you how much that taught me. A lot of people think that that test is just for romantic relationships, and I am here to tell you that is not the case at all. It applies to every single relationship in your life; yourself, friends, romantic, family. It tells you what you need from them. It’s best to talk about your results and share with the people in your life what you might need from them and vice versa. Ashley and I talk about this a lot as sisters because our love languages are on completely different spectrums. We have to actively think about them with each other and train our minds to say and do things for the other that wouldn’t come naturally. It’s definitely a learning experience. 

Do Everything For You. I know I preach all the time about putting yourself first and doing everything for you, but that’s truly when it all clicked for me. I learned to say no to things that I really didn’t want to do. I found myself agreeing to things because it would make others happy but I would be completely uncomfortable the whole time. That is so not a way to live your life. There is obviously a fine line, because I do truly care about others around me, but especially at this point in my life I am all about making sure that I am happy. That’s how I feel that I can better serve and cultivate relationships with others. If you are not happy with yourself you can’t truly provide for others to the best of your abilities. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]How To Practice Self-Love[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]How To Practice Self-Love[/one_half_last]

Go Out And Shine. Now it’s time to go out there and spread your self-love all around! Happiness is contagious. Be confident in yourself. I chose to share these pictures with this post because I felt super confident this day. Yes, maybe it’s not the cutest outfit ever, it was freezing and I didn’t dress for the weather, and it was early on a weekend. But, I felt so good and confident! I remember even saying that out loud to Ashley and Allix when we were leaving brunch. Let that confidence shine out and let other people experience it with you. It will reflect positively on them too!

Do you have any other tips on self-love that you use!? Let us know down below!

Also, don’t miss out on our vlog that we posted on Wednesday down below!

-Shelbs xx

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