5 Reasons To Be Excited About Spring

April Showers Bring May Flowers

5 Reasons To Be Excited About Spring

It is no secret that Ashley and I are not fans of summer. We are totally in love with fall, and even like winter for a good period of time, but summer is a no go for us. We just don’t like being hot. Especially in the city where we walk to get everywhere. Don’t get us wrong we love the beach, but just for about a week and then we are ready for bonfires, apple cider, and the leaves changing. This year though I am having a bit of a change of heart. You won’t catch me outside jumping for joy every day of July & August, but man am I ready for some spring weather! It has just been so cold and dreary the first few months of this year that I keep finding myself itching for a change, and a destination in the sun!

I don’t want to jump ahead of myself though. I’m not ready to go to the beach just yet. I am ready though to embrace spring and all it has to offer. All of the bodegas are putting out spring flowers, the trees are turning green, and the sun is staying out for much longer! I am so ready to go all in with spring, and here are my reasons why!

Longer Days. This has actually been one of the reasons in the past why I hated spring and summer. I love the dark, I’m a night owl, and it honestly made me happy when it got dark at 3:30 in the afternoon. Since we had daylight savings though I have felt a bit of a change of heart. I feel much more productive when the sun is out longer! I find myself sitting at my computer until I realize it’s actually 7:30 at night! This can be a blessing and a curse, but right now I’m going with it! 

Warmer Weather. Like I said, in the past I have not been a huge fan of warm weather. I have just had enough of the cold this year though. It’s been brutal, and I’m ready to not be bundled under 10 layers just to keep semi-warm. Hence these pictures. We took these in Copenhagen and it was actually 30 degrees outside. I was dead set on having pictures without my coat, but I paid the price after we were done. I am hoping that I don’t have to do that anymore this year!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]5 Reasons To Be Excited About Spring[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]5 Reasons To Be Excited About Spring[/one_half_last]

New Clothes. A new season for me usually marks the time where I go through my current wardrobe, donate, and buy new things! This is actually one of the only aspects of change that I look forward too. It’s just a great refresher for yourself, and really helps mark the new season. This also helps you feel happier more confident. You want to make sure that everything you wear truly represents you and makes you feel like the most confident person in the world! Only dress for yourself though. Never do it for someone else! 

Eating Seasonally. Growing up we always ate pretty seasonally, well our family did. Remember, I only recently started eating vegetables! Gasp! I know! It’s terrible, but I’m so into it now. Ashley and I love going to the farmer’s market in the spring, and that’s the perfect way to start eating seasonally. I don’t even understand why we went away from that in the first place. When I think back to how I ate as a child it really freaks me out. I will never understand how I wasn’t 300 pounds and full of health issues! This is totally a topic for another day, but eating seasonally pretty much benefits everyone, as well as our planet!

Exploring Your Own City. Because we travel so much we sometimes forget that we live in one of the greatest cities in the world and really should be exploring it! This kind of goes along with the weather, but it seems like we always do the most NYC exploring in the spring. I think we are always so tired of being cooped up because it’s freezing that the minute the temperature hits 50 degrees all of NYC is out and about and full of smiles! I’ve started making a list of all of the places I want to hit in the next few months, and I am SO excited! 

What are you excited about for this spring season!? Let’s chat in the comments!

-Shelbs xx

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