5 Reasons Why I Love Living In NYC

City Life is Awesome In So Many Ways

5 Reasons Why I Love Living In NYC

I know I talk on and on about how I have a love/hate relationship with NYC, and I would move to London in a heartbeat. All of that is true, but after living in New York for 7 years I do truly love it. Trust me, I wouldn’t still be here if I didn’t. There is a lot to hate about New York but there are also so many things to love. 

Everything Is Close And Easy. Let me explain this one. Everytime we are home in Dallas and I get the craving for a Starbucks it turns into a whole 30 minute outing. First, you have to put on actually clothes, because you definitely can’t get away with the same things in Texas as you can in new York. Then you have to get in the car, drive there, order, and then you finally get your drink. Everybody moves slower in Texas. That’s just the lifestyle. In NYC I can order my drink on the app and be back in my apartment in less than 5 minutes. Also, the food delivery. You can literally have anything delivered. That is a major plus of city living. 

There Is Always Something New Happening. Has anyone ever described New York as boring? Didn’t think so. There is no way that anyone living in NYC could say it’s boring. There is always something new happening. We even discovered a secret speakeasy by our apartment that has been open for 6 months! There is always something new to discover.

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]5 Reasons Why I Love Living In NYC[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]5 Reasons Why I Love Living In NYC[/one_half_last]

It’s Easy To Travel. This isn’t technically about New York per se, but it is so easy to travel from New York. There are so many places where you can drive from the city, but it’s also so easy to fly especially to Europe. All of our flights to Europe from here are usually less than 6 hours which is the same amount of time it takes us to fly to the west coast of the U.S. It’s also fairly cheap which is nice. That will be the hardest thing about leaving New York whenever I decide that time has come. 

The Food. Ashley and I are huge foodies and love trying new places. One of my favorite things about New York is the diverse food options. On one block alone you could have food from 5 different countries or regions. It’s so awesome. There is so much amazing food here that I would have never even had the opportunity to try back at home. 

The Opportunities. This could apply to so many different things, but the opportunities that are available in the city are beyond anything I have ever seen. Your dreams and absolutely come true here. Like they say, “If you can make it here you can make it anywhere.”! I think that is so true! 

5 Reasons Why I Love Living In NYC

Do any of you live here, or have visited? What is your favorite thing about New York City!? LEave us a comment down below and let us know!

-Shelbs xx

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