5 Things To Do On Sunday

To Set Myself Up For a Successful Week

5 Things To Do On Sunday

Do you have a weekend routine? As much as I want to be the kind of person who can waltz into Monday all organized, I’m not. Some a little planning, I’ve perfected my weekend routine over the years. I’ve started doing these 5 things on Sunday’s to set myself up for a successful week. 

5 Things To Do On Sunday

Review Your Calendar

In the age of electronic calendars, I still have a good old fashioned paper planner, which I use to schedule out my life. This is when you should take the time to review your commitments. Are you traveling? Do you need to schedule in time to pack? Review what’s on your schedule for the upcoming week to ensure you are equipped to handle it. This is the time to make adjustments if you need too. Don’t forget to schedule yourself for some fun activities with friends and family. You calendar shouldn’t be all about the things you HAVE to do, remember to also have some FUN!

Make A List Of Goals For The Week

This just adds some structure and a good jumping off point. Want to get your inbox to zero? Need to remember to call your Grandma on her birthday? Writing all of these things down on Sunday and crossing them off after they are accomplish will help you stay on track throughout the week. 

Tidy Up Your Living Space

Spending 15-20 minutes at the end of your Sunday picking up after yourself helps to start your week off with a clean slate. This isn’t intended to be a deep spring clean, just spend a few minutes putting away clutter, recycling the magazines you read on Saturday morning, wipe down the kitchen counter, and folding the blankets on the sofa. 

Pick Out Your Outfits

This is something I’ve done for forever. I like waking up on a busy weekday morning and not having to stress out about what I want to wear. A capsule wardrobe would also help to streamline this process. Have you ever done one? We haven’t, but maybe we’ll give it go. 

Take Time For Yourself

Self care should be your number one priority. Read a book, take a bath, do a face mask, bake- spend some time doing something you love! It will help your mental health and get you in a positive headspace to start your week. 


What do you do to prepare yourself for the week? Let’s swap tips! 



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