Thoughts On 32

Am I A Grown Up Now?

Thoughts On 32

Last week I turned 32. The above photo was taken at brunch on Saturday. No make up, dirty hair, work out clothes- this is 32. I’m 100% comfortable sharing this photo today, but would never have done so several years ago. This year I handed over my birthday to Shelby and let her make all the plans and surprise me. Together with Allix, she came up with my ideal weekend. Thanks Shelbs! But more on that in a minute. First, as I reflect on the past and contemplate the future, I wanted to discuss some thoughts on 32. 

My life isn’t anywhere close to what I thought it would be when I was younger. I’ve challenged and pushed myself in ways I didn’t think I was capable. I’ve done what I’ve wanted for me. I set goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them, even if that means I have to sacrifice things along the way. I am lucky to have a great support system. I am grateful to all of the people in my life who have never left my side, and encourage me to grow and to follow my dreams, even when they think I’m crazy. 
It’s not easy to take a different path than all of your friends. You lose people along the way because you are in such different places in your lives. That’s hard to accept. But at the end of the day, I am proud of my choices, and where I am today. I made every choice for me, not other people. And while that may sound selfish, I view it as certainty and confidence in myself. 
It’s taken close to 32 years, but I fell like I finally know myself. I know what I believe, and am comfortable expressing those beliefs. I stay informed on the topics I am passionate about, and am always looking to learn and grow. I think I’ve learned more in the past 10 years since graduating college than I did during my whole life before that. Learning and observing life without the pressure to do so makes me actually want to do it more. 
I came across this quote on Pinterest this past weekend, and it perfectly outlines my mindset right now-
“Attract what you expect.
Reflect what you desire.
Become what you respect.
Mirror what you admire.”
Thoughts On 32
Ok, now onto how we spent the weekend! We started with dinner on Friday night at a great Tex-Mex spot in the city. Their prickly pear margaritas are my fav! Then we headed home and had a fun night in complete with face masks and cookie cake, and watched a movie. My ideal night, ha ha. Then on Saturday we woke up, threw on workout clothes, and headed to Bluestone Lane for brunch before walking across the street to Central Park and walking around the lake. For the grand finale, Shelby and Allix surprised me with tickets to see Sam Smith at Madison Square Garden! I’ve always wanted to see him in concert so I was very excited! It was a great weekend- the perfect mix of fun activities and relaxing! 
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes and for joining me on this journey through life! I love sharing a piece of my life with you guys every day. Cheers to 32! 

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