Setting Little Goals

Feeling Motivated & Setting Goals

Setting Little Goals

My entire life I have always set little goals for myself. Whether they be year goals, lifelong goals, or just goals to go along with the season, I always set them. Goals can come in all shapes and sizes and can be accomplished in any order. That’s whats great about them. Set them for yourself, but let them happen in their own time. Here are several that I have been trying to incorporate in my life recently. 

Get a tattoo. Well, I finally did this one! Since I was about 13 I always knew that one day I would get a tattoo. It took me 12 years, but I finally did it! I’m so happy with how it turned out, and it’s a beautiful reminder of the three places I have lived so far in my life.

Get myself moving at least 6 days a week. This is always a constant goal that is on my list. I have a love/hate relationship with exercise and I’m always changing up what I do. In my eyes though as long as I get my body moving in some way I feel accomplished. Some days it’s a 2 mile walk and somedays it’s full on cardio in the gym. Both are so beneficial. It’s nice to just be moving. 

Eat greens at every meal. This is also something I have been really trying to accomplish. I’ve been doing pretty good so far, but for someone who doesn’t really like vegetables it can be a little daunting. I try and find ways to hide them, like adding spinach to my smoothies! 

Say yes more. A few years ago when my anxiety really kind of took over my life I said no to absolutely everything. All I wanted to do was sit in my room by myself. Over the past few years I have started slowly incorporating things that scare me and just saying yes to things more often. Life is too short not to take risks and enjoy the moments. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Setting Little Goals[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Setting Little Goals[/one_half_last]

Read more. I feel like I always talk about this one, and it’s probably the hardest one on my list to accomplish. I absolutely love reading, but I tend to head to YouTube or Netflix first. I only ever read when I’m caught up on all of those things, which is not very often. I want to get better at this. My cousin has sent me a huge list of books I need to read, so I should probably get on that. 

Be more present in each moment. This is something that is constantly on my list as well. In this day in age with technology, and the nature of us sharing almost every aspect of our lives, we can get caught up in these moments and watching things through screens instead of actually living. On my daily morning walks I’ve started taking in the nature in the parks and how the sun hits the river. It’s stopping and appreciating the moments and the things that are happening around you through your own eyes instead of through a screen. 

What little goals have you set for yourself!? Let me know down below!

-Shelbs xx



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