Finding Your Personal Style

Finding Your Personal Style

Finding Your Personal Style

Personal Style is a funny thing. You feel like you have it all together and you look great, then you get influenced by the hundreds of other people around you, you start to evolve, and then you end up with a completely different style. Now, this is not a bad thing at all. Change is a great thing, and sometimes with this method you can actually find yourself and how you really want to dress. For me though, I got to this place where I have all of these clothes and I’m not sure why. In high school, and my last few years in college I felt the most me I ever have. I knew my personal style really well, and I knew exactly how I wanted to dress.

After graduation, my anxiety really hit, I barely had any money, and instagram influencers were really taking off. I felt like I was seeing all sorts of different personal styles and I was trying to combine them all into mine and it just became a hodge podge of messiness. I found myself buying things just because they were “cheaper” and I could afford it at that moment. Don’t get me wrong, Old Navy and H&M have some amazing options, I was just buying so much stuff just to buy and not thinking about what I was actually buying.

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Finding Your Personal Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Finding Your Personal Style[/one_half_last]

Allix and I started having this conversation a few weeks ago and we decided that we were going to set out to figure out our personal style. We are at a point in our lives where we want to invest in longer lasting more adult pieces. I guess when you turn 26 you finally want to start dressing as an adult. My first step was to start on Instagram. I started a collection with photos of some of the influencers/bloggers that I love. Then I started a board on Pinterest of outfit inspiration and how I see my style evolving. We are bringing it back to 2013 Shelbs with an adult spin. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to do this? As a teenager I spent every waking moment cutting out pictures from magazines and hanging them on my wall and online shopping until the sun came up.

My Dream Wardrobe

My next step was to create my dream list. Those products that I have been lusting over for years but haven’t bought, probably because they all start at about $500. Growing up we never spent money like that on actual clothing. We bought designer purses and that’s about it. It was never in my nature to even think that I could spent that much on clothing, but when I take a step back I have to ask myself why? If it is amazing quality and will last a good portion of my life and it will make me happy what is stopping me? I’m all about budgeting, so as long as I plan a certain item like that into my budget I see no reason why it can’t happen! 

Finding Your Personal Style

Next I started thinking about some of the basics I might need. Basic tees, black jeans, blue denim, white button down, black boots, sneakers, neutral colored coats. After cross-referencing all of these things I think I have a handle on my personal style. I love neutral colors, outfits that can be dressed up or down with just a pair of shoes, comfortable, effortless, perfectly me. A lot of the things you have seen me wear over the past year have not been me at all. I didn’t feel comfortable in them, and I was just trying to fit in. Not anymore! New and improved Shelbs is coming atcha soon!

-Shelbs xx

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