What I’m Buying On iTunes Right Now

what i'm buying on itunes right nowI’m always interested in what music other people are listening to/buying. Living in New York, I do not have a car (there is no need) so I miss out on how most of the world discovers new music- by listening to the radio while driving. Here is what I’m buying on iTunes right now.

rachel plattenI am OBSESSED with this song right now. It’s such an empowering anthem. I need to buy the rest of her EP.

james bayShelby and I saw James Bay in concert right before his album released a few months ago (we wrote about it here if you want to check it out) and I’ve been consistently listening to it ever since. Hold Back the River is one of my favs.

tori kellyNewcomer Tori Kelly’s new album is awesome. You’ve probably heard Nobody Love but my favorite song is her duet with Ed Sheeran– I Was Made For Loving You.

mumford and sonsI loved Mumford & Sons’ last album and I might like this one even more. This album isn’t as folksy as their previous releases and songs like Believe and Snake Eyes are standouts.

jessie jI’m partial to this song because Jessie J sang it live for the first time at her show in NYC that Shelby and I were at, but like Fight Song, it’s one I can just listen to on repeat over and over again.


What are you currently buying on iTunes right now? We’d love to hear!

Ashley xx


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