Our Enneagram Types

Do You Know Your Enneagram Type?

Our Enneagram Types

Have you guys heard of the enneagram test? By answering a series of questions you are assigned a number from 1 – 9 that is supposed to help determine your personality type. You can read about the different types in more detail here. Shelby and I get asked a lot how we work so well together and how our personalities are similar or are different so we thought it would be interesting to take an official personality test to see for sure. You can find shortened, free versions of the enneagram test, but we opted to take the $12 version from The Ennegram Institute. The test was 144 questions and at the end you are provided a 23 page pdf document that goes into a lot of detail about your top types. We filmed a video of us taking the enneagram test, along with guessing what enneagram type we thought we were before taking the test, and then talking through our results and our reactions a bit so be sure to watch that down below to see a bit more on our enneagram types.

When you take this version of the test it provides you with your scores for each of the nine enneagram types with your highest score indicating your “type”. They make it clear that your primary enneagram personality type is most likely the highest of these scores, and almost certainly among the highest two or three. For both of us, our top one and two scores were ties between two types which we found interesting. Want to see our results? Here are our enneagram types:


Ashley is Type One – “The Reformer”

Our Enneagram Types

Our Enneagram Types

I most identify with type one, and was not surprised at all that this was my highest scoring type. But I also have a lot of characteristics of type three, so I can see how that was high scoring as well. While reading the detailed description of type one on my results I found myself smiling and nodding in agreement after reading every sentence. It’s fascinating how by answering a few questions online you can suddenly feel so seen and understood. 

Shelby is Type Three – “The Achiever”

Our Enneagram Types

Our Enneagram Types

While not technically her highest score, Shelby most identifies with type three, which is normal since her top two scores were so close. Although I definitely see how type two was so highly scored for her as she does have some of those qualities, I agree that it is not her dominate type.

We found it very interesting that the second highest score for both of us was the same type. And the fact that it’s “The Achiever” is very interesting but not surprising given the fact that we are both very driven entrepreneurs running multiple businesses together. I also find it very interesting the type two was her highest type and my lowest. And conversely that her lowest score was a high one for me, and also my “wing”, but more on that in a second. Basically this just officially explains that why we work so well together is that we are both “Achievers” who are driven to be successful, but balance each other out well by each having completely opposite other sides of our personalities. 


Our Enneagram Types

No one is a pure personality type, as human beings we are multi-faceted creatures. We learned that typically, everyone is a unique mixture of his or her basic enneagram type and usually one of the two types adjacent to it on the circumference of the Enneagram (pictured above). One of the two types adjacent to your basic type is called your “wing”. Your basic type dominates your overall personality, while the wing complements it and adds important, sometimes contradictory, elements to your total personality. Your wing is the “second side” of your personality, and it must be taken into consideration to better understand yourself or someone else. Reflecting on our enneagram rankings, and looking at the types adjacent to our basic enneagram types that scored highest, Ashley would be a type one wing nine and Shelby would be a type three wing two

The most fascinating part of all of this to me was how type one and type three are compatible in a relationship. You’ll have to watch the video below to see if this is a good thing or a bad thing for us! 

So now that you know our enneagram types, we’d love to know yours! Leave a comment down below along with any resources you use to better understand your type once you’ve identified it. We hope you guys find this as interesting as we do! 



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