Things That Make Me Smile | No. 1

Because Happiness Is A Choice

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 1

Hey Y’all! Happy Friday! 

I hope you have had an awesome week. I have really tried, but with everything going on in the world right now it is hard to be happy. A lot of people all over are going through some pretty rough times right now. They need to be reminded that the world stands with them and everything will be okay. That’s why I thought today was the best day to launch my new series, Things That Make Me Smile. We all need to remember that even though it can feel like everything around you is going wrong, someone somewhere else is worse off than you. Perspective and attitude are key. I thought that by actually writing down the things that make me smile, I could put that good energy into the world, and hopefully inspire you to do the same. 

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 1

The first thing that has made me smile recently is fresh flowers. We always have some in the apartment, and I truly believe it does make your day just a little bit brighter. We love to have peonies or roses, but since we are getting into fall it is time to bring on the sunflowers!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No. 1[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No. 1[/one_half_last]

One of my simple pleasures on a day to day basis is sipping my coffee in bed. I honestly have no idea why, but there is just something about being all cozy in my pajamas and smelling that wonderful aroma! Not to mention the fact that we collect Starbucks mugs, so every morning I get to relive one of the places that we have traveled to!

The next thing that makes me smile is fall candles! I mean honestly is there anything better? I think not. It makes me so happy when I walk into a room and I can smell marshmallows toasting, an apple orchard, or a steamy pumpkin spice latte!


Things That Make Me Smile | No. 1

Last, but certainly not least, is music. I have always had a very special relationship with music. Just a few bars of a song can completely turn my day around! I constantly have something playing. Just ask Ashley. She gets really annoyed, because she is more of a tv on in the background kind of person. I will also most likely always being listening with headphones on. To me it makes it feel like you are at a personal concert!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend! I would love to know what has been making you smile lately, so let’s chat in the comments!

-Shelbs xx


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