ABC Kitchen

ABC Kitchen

A couple weeks ago when our Mom was in town she had a very specific brunch request. She wanted to go somewhere she’d “never been before, that had a nice aesthetic, that had small plates of yummy food we could share in order to try a bunch of things”. Um, okay? Shelby and I were left scratching our heads for a moment until we remembered ABC Kitchen. ABC Carpet and Home is one of our Mom’s favorite stores to browse through when she’s visiting, but we’d never actually eaten at ABC Kitchen. I know I’ve looked at it many times before, but it was either they didn’t have a reservation available on the date we needed or we had a less adventurous eater in our group and there wasn’t anything on the menu I thought they’d enjoy (the menu changes seasonally). I was pretty sure it met all of our Mom’s specific requests, and they had a reservation available, so we booked it and were super excited! First of all, the restaurant is MUCH bigger than I was expecting. NYC restaurants are notoriously small, so I guess that’s what I was expecting, but it’s actually a quite large space with the ability to seat parties of all sizes just FYI.

ABC Kitchen

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]ABC Kitchen[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]ABC Kitchen[/one_half_last]

We decided to skip coffee in leu of cocktails, as we were heading to the Starbucks Roastery right after (and we had already had coffee pre-brunch). There were so many cocktails we wanted to try so we settled on each ordering a different one so we could try each other’s. Shelby got the sparkling apricot, Mom got the campari daiquiri, and I ordered the lavender rhubarb fizz. All were excellent, but we each ended up preferring the one we ordered which always happens, lol. They were fun to try though!

ABC Kitchen

ABC Kitchen

ABC Kitchen

We then decided to order a few bites to share and then also each get a main entree. Our server helped us navigate the menu, making excellent suggestions, and being honest in steering us away from the donuts recommending the cheddar biscuits instead. We made it a point to order items that were unique and you couldn’t just get anywhere. To start we went with the ramp toast with goat cheese (side note- I HATE goat cheese but it was in crumble form and easy to take off), the radishes with seasoned butters, and the buttermilk cheddar biscuits. All were great, but our favorite was the ramp toast. Then for our entrees we went a bit boring- Shelbs and I got the scrambled eggs with crispy potatoes (but easily the best potatoes I’ve ever had) and Mom went with the spinach and goat cheese omelet which was stuffed with the most amount of goat cheese I’ve ever seen. Great if you like goat cheese, but it would have been my nightmare, haha.

ABC Kitchen

We couldn’t believe we’d never been here before! ABC Kitchen is definitely going to be one of our new go to spots! We also need to try their sister restaurants ABC Cocina and ABCV, a vegetarian spot that sounds like it’s right up our ally! 


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