All Time Favorite Movies | Ashley

Top 10 All Time Favorite MoviesYou know those movies that anytime you are flipping through the TV channels and you see they are playing you stop what you’re doing and watch? You know the ones. Those feel good classics (to you at least) that you probably watched during memorable periods in your life and watching inevitably takes you right back to that time. As a child of the 90s my movie tastes are admittedly relative to that time period. You won’t find any action thrillers on my list. I mostly love the stereotypical girly rom coms (is anyone surprised by that?). So, go pop some popcorn, grab some M&M’s (if you don’t like M&M’s in your popcorn we can’t be friends) and settle in for a movie filled Friday night.

Top 10 All Time Favorite Movies

Top 10 All Time Favorite Movies

In no particular order, here are my all time favorite movies-

Center Stage– I grew up dancing competitively and this was my go to movie on the way to any dance competition. Just one of my silly little superstitious traditions. Like eating spaghettiOs every Friday night before performing at halftime at the varsity football games for drill team in high school.

The Proposal– I love Sandra Bullock. I love Ryan Reynolds. Putting the two of them together is pretty much my idea of a perfect movie.

Notting Hill– Who isn’t fascinated by the story of a famous person meeting and falling in love with a normal, average, everyday person? And it’s set in London.

The Devil Wears Prada– This movie came out while I was in college studying fashion and dreaming of moving to New York. I wanted to be Andy. The ordinary girl turned fabulous assistant with an amazing wardrobe who gets to travel AND live in New York City. Now, as I sit this very minute in my New York City apartment I am still an ordinary girl, but I am working in fashion (admittedly in a position not near as glamorous as Runway), and my wardrobe may be primarily from places like H&M and Zara instead of Chanel and Valentino, but I get to travel AND live in New York City. And I don’t have to deal with a “Devil Wears Prada-esq” boss.

My Girl– I watched this over and over growing up. I loved the character of Veda and found her life fascinating. I mean, she lives in a funeral home?! And My Girl 2 is just as good as the original. I ran into Anna Chlumsky once at the Time Warner Center and she looks exactly the same.

Serendipity– This movie is like a love letter to New York for me. And it introduced me to Serendipity, which is the best place to grab a ginormous ice cream sundae in the city (I recommend the Forbidden Broadway Sundae).

Legally Blonde– This is one of the few movies I can recall seeing in the movie theater. It came out around my birthday the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of high school and a group of friends and I went to see it at Studio Movie Grill.

Miss Congeniality– Sandra Bullock. FBI Agent. Texas. Beauty Pageant. Really, how can that combination of things not make for a hilarious combination.

Now & Then– Every Friday night when I was little my Dad would take me to Blockbuster (remember Blockbuster?!) and he would let me rent a movie for the weekend and 9 times out of 10 I selected Now & Then. A fierce group of friends who do everything together, slowly grow apart and take their own paths, but still manage to reconnect many years later.

Parent Trap– Lindsay Lohan pre-drama. I think I loved this movie so much growing up because I’m the same age as Lindsay and while I never went to summer camp, am not a twin, and my parents are not divorced, I somehow related so much to this movie. This movie was my introduction to London, fashion, and wine- all my favorite things! I can literally quote the whole thing.


What are your favorite movies? Are any of mine on your list?

Ashley xx


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