For as long as I can remember music has been the driving force behind my life. When your own words don’t make sense, listen to someone else’s. My parents have always been into music, and when my dad would pick me up from my dance classes we would jam out to Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, and Elton John on our drive home. I think this is where my love of music began. Thanks Dad! 🙂
In no particular order, here are my favorite songs that I couldn’t live without.
Wild Horses | Rolling Stones
My dad and I share a love for The Rolling Stones. This was the first Rolling Stone song I ever heard and I completely fell in love, and no it is not just because I’m in love with this decade’s Mick Jagger!
Kiss Me | Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran is a phenomenal singer/songwriter. His words and soul take you to emotional places you didn’t even know you could access. I remember hearing this song for the first time and thinking to myself this is what true love is. It’s beautiful.
Robbers | The 1975
The first time I heard this song I cried. To this day I’m still not exactly sure why. It must access some part of my consciousness that I’m not aware of. I’ve seen The 1975 perform 5 times and they are absolutely incredible. They truly believe and feel their songs.
Your Song | Elton John
Elton John has always been one of my favorite singers. Dad and I used to jam out to Crocodile Rock. Every time it comes on we have to have a dance party. Your Song is another one of my favorites, and brings me back to happy memories.
Somewhere Only We Know | Keane
I have been trying to remember where I first heard this song, but for the life of me I can’t. It just has a lot of meaning to me. There are some things you can’t explain, and this is one of them. It’s just beautiful.
The Boxer | Simon and Garfunkel
We are throwing it way back here with Simon & Garfunkel. They have some of the greatest songs known to man. Mrs. Robinson, Bridge Over Troubled Water, The Boxer. I mean c’mon! they are just phenomenal.
Let It Be | The Beatles
This one doesn’t even need explaining. The Beatles have left a mark on my heart like no other band. They are truly legends.
Music is my entire life. Just ask Ashley, she always has to tell me to turn it down or off. I constantly have music playing. What are your favorite songs? Let us know in the comments below.
Shelby xx