Apple Picking at Maskers Orchard

Our Favorite Fall Activity

Apple Picking at Warwick Farm

Apple picking is one of our all time favorite fall activities! We go every year, and we weren’t going to let social distancing and a global pandemic stop us. Let me preface this by saying New York State has record low numbers of Covid-19 cases, and the state as a whole is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe. We have been wearing masks and social distancing since March, so it’s pretty much a habit by now. Usually during the fall season, all of the family farms have tons of activities like hayrides and petting zoos. Unfortunately because of the virus all of those things are closed. You are still allowed to pick your own fruit as long as you wear a mask and social distance. The good news is that the farms are outside which is a huge plus. So, we rented a car and popped upstate to Maskers Orchard to continue our tradition of one of our favorite fall activities!

Apple Picking at Warwick Farm

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_third_last] [one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_half_last]

Poppy always comes along with us, and it’s so fun to see her frolicking in the apple orchard. Happy pups are just the best! One of my favorite parts of apple picking is all of the baking I get to do with them afterwards. The possibilities are really endless. Apple pie, apple cider donuts, apple pie bars, apple fries, apple nachos! We’ve made them all and they don’t dissapoint!

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]

Apple Picking at Warwick Farm

[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_third_last]

Apple Picking at Warwick Farm

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_half_last]

At Maskers Orchard there is no admission fee. You drive around the orchard in your car then pick your apples into one of their bags. You only pay for the apples in your bag, and you can sample as much as you want as you go. You can also buy apple cider and apple cider donuts at checkout.

Apple Picking at Warwick Farm

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Apple Picking at Warwick Farm[/one_half_last]

Apple Picking at Warwick Farm

What is your favorite fall activity? Should we paint some pumpkins? We haven’t done that in years, but it could be really fun! 

-Shelbs xx

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