April Intentions

Setting Goals And Keeping Accountability 

April Intentions

Last month I shared my March Intentions, and I liked sharing them with you guys as a way to help keep me accountable. They were do yoga 1x a week, get outside, and read more books. Let’s talk about how I did. I’ll admit I was not good about doing yoga 1x a week. I think I only did it once the whole month. Oops. I’m going to continue to make that a goal in April. I feel like I was good about getting outside in March. It was actually quite cold and much snowier in March than in January and February of this year, but despite that I managed to get outside quite a bit. Even if it was only to walk down the street to Starbucks. I think I was the most successful at reading more. I read lots of books in March and talked about those here. So let’s talk about April. My April intentions are very tangible and attainable. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]April Intentions[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]April Intentions[/one_half_last]
Listen To Music More

This should be an easy one, but I want to listen to more music this month. I’m a TV on in the background kind of person. In fact, as I’m writing this, I have Trading Spaces on in the background (side note- who else is excited that show is coming back?!). But I want to make an effort to play more music whole I’m working, getting ready, or walking around the city. 

Nurture My Relationships

Because I’m so busy, this is something I’ve really let slip lately with both friends and family. I want to make a better effort to check in more and actually pick up the phone and have conversations rather than just texting. Or better yet, write letters! Maybe it’s time to invest in some nice stationary…

Let It Go

Cue Elsa. Ha Ha. But really, one of my personal goals is to get better at letting things go. I’m pretty “go with the flow” on most things, but sometimes I hold onto things that bother me for longer than I should. I need to get better at seeing the big picture, letting go go of what is inconsequential, while standing firm in what I want when warranted. 

Do you guys like to see our monthly intentions? What are your goals for the month? Let us know in the comments below and let’s help keep each other accountable!


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