As Told By Ash and Shelbs Reader Survey

Give Us Your Feedback! 

As Told By Ash and Shelbs Reader Survey

Hey Y’all! We are back from Mexico (more on that trip soon)! It was a great little getaway, and we really took some time to unplug and talk about our dreams and goals for this space. We love our little corner of the internet, and the relationships we have built with many of you, but we are always pushing ourselves to grow and develop. What fun is life if you don’t take the opportunity to evolve? All that to say, we have some exciting things in the works, but we both want to ask a quick favor of each of you. We would love to get to know you a little better and get some important feedback on the content we create and what types of things you may see from us in the future. We have created a brief survey, and we would be so appreciative if you took a few moments and provided your feedback. It’s so interesting and helpful to read your thoughts on what we’ve done and what we should be doing more of! And what we shouldn’t be doing too. Your feedback is invaluable to our success! There will be some about you, some about our content and some about potential things launching soon! PLUS- there’s a place where you can tell and/or ask us anything, and we’ll answer your questions in an upcoming post or video.

We’ve mentioned this on Instagram, but we wanted to put it out here as well. We’d love to do a little coffee meet up for those of you that are local to NYC. Is that something you would be interested in? The funny thing about the internet is that is allows you to get to know a lot about people without ever meeting them IRL. And while it’s so cool to be able to connect with so many people around the world in this way, there is something about that in person human to human connection that we want to try to integrate more of.


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these survey questions! We really appreciate it!
-Ash and Shelbs

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