Books I’ve Read Lately

The Books I’ve Read This Year

Books I've Read Lately

Surprise!!! You finally get one of these posts from me. I set a goal at the beginning of this year to read at least one book every month, and I have stuck to that so far. Since we have finally hit July, I thought I would share the first 6 books that I read this year. Like I have said before I do really enjoying reading, but I never made it my priority. I always chose to watch YouTube or Netflix before picking up a book. I’m so glad I decided to make reading a priority, so without further adieu here are the 6 books I have read in 2019.

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine– Full disclosure, I started this back in Mexico but I had only read 20 pages. I actually really enjoyed this book. I believe they are making it into a movie, so it will be fun to see it come to life! The book follows the life of Eleanor Oliphant, who has gone through some trauma. The underlying story to me, is how important mental health is. It needs to continue to be a conversation in the world.

I’ll Be There For You– Y’all know how much I LOVE Friends, so I just had to read this book. I was really young when the show aired on TV. I didn’t even understand most of the jokes until I was in high school. That didn’t stop me from watching it. This book dove into things that were happening at the time when the show was created and aired. For someone who wasn’t aware of those things this was cool to read. you could skip this if you don’t care about that! 

Work Party– We always love the Create & Cultivate events, so when the founder Jaclyn wrote this book we knew we had to read it. It was so fascinating to read about everything she went through in her career. A true story of resilience that’s for sure! I love memoir type books, so I thoroughly enjoyed it! 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Books I've Read Lately[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Books I've Read Lately[/one_half_last]

The Mister– Confession, I LOVE romance novels! I read 50 Shades of Grey before it was popular. I really like E.L.’s writing style. She was on the Today Show promoting her new book and I instantly bought it. This one takes place in England, so I was instantly hooked! If you like romance novels, this one’s for you! 

Call Me By Your Name– Okay…so I really wanted to like this book, but I just didn’t! The movie was incredible, which unfortunately I did see before reading the book. I just could not get pat the writing style. I was getting really confused and had to reread things multiple times. If I hadn’t seen the movie I’m not sure I would have understood what was going on at all! Skip the book, and watch the movie instead! 

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle– I saw that Zoella started a monthly book club, and they were reading this book. If there is anything I love more than romance it’s mysteries, especially whodunit type stories! This seemed right up my alley, and I’m so glad I read it! My one complaint was that there were A LOT of characters, which could get confusing at times. I had to read a bit slower than I usually do to make sure I was retaining everything. I’m usually really good at figure out endings, but I had no clue with this one! It was great!

I never thought I wanted to participate in book clubs but I saw the July book for Zoella’s book club is Where The Crawdads Sing. I read the summary and it’s totally something I would love. I think that’s the next one I’m going to pick up!

All books are linked on our Amazon Shop!

What are you reading right now!? Let me know!

-Shelbs xx



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