Books I’ve Read Lately | Volume Seven

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Books I've Read Lately | Volume Seven

Coffee and Books from A. and I. Kruk/Shutterstock

Wow. What a week this has been! We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes working on some stuff we’re excited to share with you guys soon, but man I need a vacation. And a glass of wine. And a massage. I’m looking forward to a brief break from work tomorrow as we are headed upstate to go apple picking and I can’t wait! But before we head into the weekend, I wanted to share the latest round of books I’ve read lately in case you are looking for something to do yourself this weekend. All of these books are linked in our Amazon shop if you want to pick up a copy for yourself! 

  1. The Hating Game – This was one of the books I took along with me to Mexico and it was the perfect beach read. The story revolves around two co-workers, Lucy and Joshua, who hate each other and find themselves up for the same promotion. As the tension continues to build between them, they discover that tension turns from spiteful to lustful. This was a really fun one to read, and maybe one of my favorites I’ve read so far this year!
  2. The Last Mrs. Parish – This was the second book I brought on our Mexico trip. It was filled with lots of twists and turns, many of which I found a bit predictable. What I did find interesting was the author chose to keep shifting the perspective of who was telling the story, which allowed the reader different glimpses into the minds of the main characters rather than a singular point of view. That being said, I’ve read better books with a similar plot.
  3. Work Party – If you’re a Girlboss and a female entrepreneur working hard to make your side hustle your main gig than this is a great read for you! The author, Jaclyn Johnson, is the founder of Create and Cultivate, a conference for millennial women in business that we have attended multiple times. This book is part memoir part interviews with kickass women who share their secrets to success. 
  4. China Rich Girlfriend – This is the second novel in the Crazy Rich Asians series. After reading the first book, and seeing the movie this summer, I decided to read the rest of the books in the series. I found this story to be just as fascinating, and was happy to be able to jump back in to this crazy world with a little bit better understanding having seen the world play out on screen. 
  5. Rich People Problems – This is the third and last (but hopefully not!) book in the series, and I think it was my favorite. As in all of the novels, the stories nicely intertwined and culminated in such a smart way. I won’t give away any spoilers here in case you haven’t read it, but if you saw the movie this summer and liked it, I suggest you check out the books as they delve so much deeper into each of the characters. 


Ok, your turn- what have you been reading lately? Let’s start a reading list in the comments below!


P.S. In case you missed it, here are my previous books I’ve read lately posts. And all the books I’ve read are linked in our Amazon Shop


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