Books I’ve Read Lately | Volume Two

It’s been awhile since I shared some of the books I’ve read lately, so go grab a cup of coffee (or glass of wine, i won’t judge) and let’s chat. I always love reading these kind of posts, and I hope you do too! If you have a fun trip planned for Labor Day weekend pick up one or two of these to read while you’re at the beach or holed up in a mountain cabin somewhere.

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

Rich and Pretty is set in modern day New York City and follows the relationship of two best friends from childhood through their early adult years. It depicts boyfriends, marriages, babies, and how the lives of best friends grow and change throughout different periods of life. This book is a light and fun read, perfect for a beach or pool day.

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

Filled with unexpected twists and turns, Everything We Keep explores loss, love, and hidden truths. This is one of those books that grabs your attention at the first line and has you turning page after page until you reach the end.

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

If you’re already a fan of Amy Schumer, you’ll love her even more after reading The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo. This book is a collection of essays (similar in style to Lena Dunham’s book) that offer humanizing insight into her life up to this point. I knew this book would be good, and it was. Schumer is at heart, a brilliant storyteller. But I was surprised that I didn’t necessarily find myself laughing as much as I expected. She tells her stories from a vulnerable and honest point of view leaving you feel like you got a peek into her diary. Funnily enough, she actually does share some passages from her childhood journals which had me cringing right along with her.

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

As someone who grew up during the height of the Harry Potter phenomenon, I was very intrigued to read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. While it’s based on a story that J.K. Rowling conceptualized, the play itself was not written by her. The book is actually a copy of the script. I was concerned I wouldn’t enjoy reading in that format, but found once I got through the first few pages I didn’t really notice a difference. The story picks up right were the last book ended, during the 19 year flash forward scene, and mostly follows Harry and Ginny’s son Albus, but most of the characters we know and love make an appearance- or are at least mentioned. It was nice to dip back into the world briefly, and now I really want to go see the play in London!

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

Results May Vary* is an addictive, easy read. It’s a story about truly finding yourself while the life you thought you had crumbles around you. I read the book cover to cover on a plane recently, and found myself wanting more once I had finished. Perhaps there will be a sequel?

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

I wasn’t a big fan of The Vacationers. The book follows a family over their two week vacation on the island of Mallorca. I know a lot of people really like it, but I just wasn’t impressed with the story line. I think it may be that since the book only takes place during a two week time frame, there isn’t a lot of room for character development.

Books I've Read Lately | Volume Two

The Knockoff is kind of a cross between The Devil Wears Prada and The Intern (minus Anne Hathaway). It follows the editor of a fashion magazine who has to deal with changing times, namely the fact that non one buys print magazines anymore. There is someone new, young, and shiny poised to take over the reins, and she’s faced with the choice to give up or adapt. This book is a fun, light read.


What books have you been reading lately? As always, leave your recommendations in the comments below.

-Ash xx


*Full disclosure, the publisher sent us a copy of the book for free, but there were no strings attached and we were under no obligation to post about it.




  1. Chelsea
    September 2, 2016 / 11:04 am

    Yay! I love the book reviews 🙂 Just in time for the husband to leave and me to have a few days at home alone. (hot tea and many books….and some netflix)

  2. September 6, 2016 / 12:44 pm

    Yay! We are so glad you love our book reviews! Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter because we might be sending exclusive book reviews in the near future! Hope you were able to read some over the weekend! 🙂

    -Ash and Shelbs

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