Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

Happy New Year! 2021 sure is off to an interesting start already! If the past 12 days are any indication, I think all hopes for a less eventful year are out the window. But that’s a topic for another time. Today I wanted to share a bit about our trip to Breckenridge, Colorado where we spent Christmas with our parents. To briefly discuss the elephant in the room, yes we traveled on a plane. After extensive research and discussions about what we were comfortable with, that is the decision we came to given our exact situation. I totally get that everyone has varying opinions on this, and you do not have to agree with our decision. We took every possible precaution and I’ll leave it at that. Okay, so moving on to what I assume you are here for since you clicked on this blog post, let’s talk about Breckenridge, Colorado!

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half_last]

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

For obvious reasons, this was not a “normal” trip. We spent about a week in an AirBnB up in the mountains. The goal was to find a cozy spot with pretty views where we could hang out and cook all of our meals. Similar to our trip to the Smoky Mountains last summer, we only ventured out a couple of times. We actually all suffered from varying degrees of altitude sickness the first few days (our cabin was up at about 11,000 feet) but luckily that did improve after our bodies acclimated. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half_last]

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

Most of our days were spent just simply hanging out, watching movies, playing games, and cooking meals together. We headed into town one day and spent about 30 minutes walking up and down Main Street before grabbing coffee to go from Unravel Coffee which was a cute spot!

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_third_last]

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half_last] [one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half_last]

Another fun (and Covid safe) activity we did was a private sleigh ride up one of the mountains one night. It was MAGICAL. It was dark, but so quiet and peaceful, and it even started snowing! Someone commented on a photo I posted on my Instagram about it saying it was like a real life Hallmark movie and we laughed about that for days because it totally was!

We went into town one more time, popped into a shop and each grabbed a t-shirt as a souvenir, and got coffee to go again from Cool River Coffee and cookies from Mountain Top Cookie Shop. They had a gluten free chocolate espresso cookie that was SO GOOD and I later regretted only getting one.

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half_last] [one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary[/one_half_last]

We also took the (free) gondola from town up the mountain to the base of peak 8 which is where a lot of people catch the ski lifts to further up the mountain. It’s probably a bit weird that we went to Breckenridge over Christmas and didn’t ski, but neither of us have actually ever skied before! It’s definitely something we want to do eventually, so we’ll just have to return! Seeing all of the skiers and snowboarders at the base of peak 8 though was pretty intimidating though. We’re going to need lot of help when we do decide to try skiing in the future!

Breckenridge, Colorado | Travel Diary

Overall it was just a super relaxing trip which was the goal. After years of doing so many fast paced trips where we pack so many things in it’s been nice to slow things down this past year and do travel a bit differently. As of now we have no future trips planned for this year, really just depends on what happens with Covid, but we’re hopeful the second half of the year could potentially bring a trip or two. We’ll just have to see what happens! But in the meantime, if you’re an expert on skiing or snowboarding please let us know! We have a lot to learn, haha! If you want to see more of what we got up to, including a tour of our AirBnB, be sure to check out our travel vlog!


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