Health & Wellness Habits

Over the past 8 months I have made a lifestyle change that has really changed my life. I decided to get healthy and I thought I would let you in on some of my not so secrets that I’ve been doing. I have lost 22 pounds so far, and I’d love to continue going. It’s not to be “skinny” or for vanity. It’s to be healthy, prevent disease, and just be the best version of myself I have the potential to be. Our bodies can do so much, and we should celebrate that!

Health & Wellness Habits

  1. The first thing I did was to increase my exercise. I was working out on average 3 times a week before. I have now worked up to 6 sometimes 7 days a week. I understand this is a bit much, but the recommended is 5 times a week. It helps with my mental health as well as my physical. That’s why I do so much. I talked about this a few months ago but my routine has changed slightly. I take spin classes 4 times a week as my cardio.
  2. I also changed my eating habits. Not that I was eating really unhealthy before, but one of my biggest problems was portion control. I started looking at serving sizes, and that made a huge difference. I do count calories, but I do it more for the macros (protein, carbs, fat) than just calories alone. This process is such a personal thing and it is so different for every person. A lot of it is trial and error.
  3. I also made sure to increase my liquids. I try to drink at least 70 ounces of water a day. I drink one cup of coffee, then switch to water, then 1 cup of green tea before bed. 
  4. Not only did I change my eating habits, but I did some testing to see if any foods were giving me inflammation(which leads to weight gain & water retention). I took a food allergy test and found out that I was allergic to 13 different foods as well as being lactose intolerant. Once I cut out the food that were causing digestive issues, things started to really improve for me. 
  5. That last major change I made was my mindset. I made it a goal to myself to get healthier, and I was persistent. I did not want to give up, and I still haven’t. It’s a major lifestyle change, and you have to think of it that way. 

I think it is absolutely possible for anyone to make a change and meet any goals they want to set for themselves. All it takes is you!

If you prefer things in video form, I did a little Q&A over on our vlogmas  down below! 

-Shelbs xx


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