How To Beat Jet-Lag

Beat The Jet-Lag With These Simple Tips

We travel a lot as you all know, and over the years we have perfected the art of beating jet-lag. I was inspired to write this because when our parents got back from France, our dad did not follow our tips and he suffered from extreme jet-lag! Ashley and I have really perfected the art of beating it. Our bodies are used to the constant traveling, but we also book our flights at optimal time for sleeping or staying awake. We also plan our itinerary out accordingly so that we can good a good amount of sleep every night. Ash can’t function on any more or less than 8 hours, and the first full day I’m always extremely grumpy! Anyone want to travel with us 😉 hahahah

How To Beat Jet-Lag

Stay Up As Late As You Can. Jet-lag obviously effects you both directions of your journey, but the best thing you can do is to stay up as long as you can. Sounds easy right? Not when its 4 P.M. and your body feels so heavy and you think you can’t move. Yes you are tired, BUT it is mostly in your head. On both ends try to stay up until at least 9 P.M. Thank me later!

Stay Hydrated. This is always important, but especially when you are traveling! Carry water around with you everywhere, and try not to drink too much alcohol. Your 8 glasses is super important when you are traveling. A lot of times we like to pop into a grocery store and buy the big 2 liter bottles every day so we know we are getting enough water.

No Napping. I’m not a napper at all, so this is easy for me. This is so important though. Only sleep when you are supposed to be asleep at night. Don’t sleep on trains, or in cars, and DO NOT lay down in your hotel bed during the day. Even just a quick 20 minute nap can completely screw up sleeping patterns. Pack your days full so that you fall asleep easier at night. This also helps with not getting tires in the afternoon because you won’t be sitting down anywhere to get tired. 

Don’t Freak Out. If you wake up in the middle of the night wide awake don’t freak. Stay as calm as possible and keep your eyes shut. Put on a meditation, music, or something that will calm you back down. It’s important to stay in bed, with your eyes shut, and keep all of the lights off. You want your body to be as rested as possible, so fight the urge to get up. 

Alright! Those are my tips, and I promise that if you follow them you won’t succumb to terrible jet-lag! It really is simple, you just have to plan. Do you have any tips and tricks that you follow when traveling? Let me know down below!

-Shelbs xx

How To Beat Jet-Lag


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