How To Deal With Travel Anxiety

How To Get Through Those Tough Flights

How To Deal With Travel Anxiety

Since we head off on our first big trip of the year tomorrow I thought I would write down some thoughts I have on dealing with travel anxiety. Last year I wrote down my entire journey with anxiety, so go give that a read if you haven’t yet. 

So, my travel anxiety is probably a little different than the average person. I’m not afraid of flying, I actually find it quite relaxing. I do have a fear of being trapped, which is essentially what you are when you are flying but that actually doesn’t really bother me. My travel anxiety comes from not being in control. If something goes wrong mid-flight, like turbulence, time changes (I’ve had to circle around the airport for 2 hours before), feeling sick etc. That’s when I start to freak. I ALWAYS have a meditation downloaded to my phone (I use Calm) so I can just put that on repeat until we land. The good news about that, it draws zero attention to you. Everyone around you will just think you are listening to music. 

How To Deal With Travel Anxiety

I realize that everyone has different types of anxiety, and different ways to handle it. My biggest advice to you would be to surround yourself with things you do love and things that bring calm and peace into your life. I have a small bag that I always bring with me on a flight that contains:

  • Mints
  • Headphones
  • Essential Oil Roller Balls (This one is seriously my absolute favorite for inflight)
  • Water Bottle
  • Snacks that don’t upset my stomach
  • Eye Mask (In case I want to sleep)

The best thing to do if you start to get anxiety while traveling is to try and block everyone else out. I know it’s easier said than done, but just try. You kind of have to have a realistic moment with herself and say “Hey. I’m stuck on this plane for x amount of time. What can I do to calm down and get through this?” It doesn’t always work, but most of the time that is what helps me. 

Travel anxiety can be really rough, but if it’s worth it to you to get to that amazing destination then tell yourself that you CAN do this, because you absolutely can!

-Shelbs xx

My Travel Essentials


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