I Went For The Chop

A Girl With New Hair Can Conquer The World

I Went For The Chop

Cutting your hair can either be really therapeutic or completely terrifying. Usually for me it is pretty scary, but this time cutting 10 inches off felt very liberating. This was not a spontaneous decision. I actually had been thinking about this for a very very long time. 

I had been growing my hair out for the past two years and it got really long. It’s been longer than this two other times in my life, but recently I had been so fed up with it. My hair is coarse, thick, and wavy. It just became so much of a hassle to deal with. It took me 15 minutes in the shower just to wash and condition my hair. It took overnight to completely air dry, and took me about 45 minutes to style. I just do not have time for that. I basically lived off of dry shampoo.

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]I Went For The Chop[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]I Went For The Chop[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]I Went For The Chop[/one_third_last]

The day before I cut it I was a bit scared. I used to hate my hair short and would swear that I would never cut it shorter than my chest. I had a really terrible haircut in 6th grade and wore my hair in a ponytail for an entire year while it grew. I was traumatized, but my hair stylist now is an actual goddess and always gives me what I want and more. I feel like she just understands what I want my hair to look like.

So, we cut off all of the blonde, put in some very subtle highlights, and made that final chop coming to about 10 inches!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]I Went For The Chop[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]I Went For The Chop[/one_half_last]

I am SO HAPPY about my decision. I am in love with my hair. It has given me this confidence that I actually didn’t know I was lacking and needed. For me a big trigger for my anxiety was change, but in this instance change was exactly what I needed. 

So, if you are looking for a sign to take the leap of faith with something, this is it. Just go for it, whatever it is. Gain that confidence, and learn to love yourself a little more.

-Shelbs xx

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