Interior Wish List & Big Clear Out

Out With The Old In With The New

Interior Wish List & Big Clear Out

After we moved apartments last year I have really tried to perfect my room and our kitchen/living room. I talked about my bedroom in our apartment tour and it is almost perfect, but I haven’t quite got the bedding just right. I bought a really cheap comforter last year to try out the white, and it is definitely time to step it up. One of my favorite things in the world is cuddling up in hotel beds that have really fluffy duvets and about 100 pillows! So, that’s what I’m going to go for!


I’ve been eyeing this Buffy Comforter for months now. I know it’s pretty expensive but i’ve heard rave reviews about it, and I love the fact that is it cooling especially in the summer months because remember we don’t have central AC here. I’m also that person that has to be completely bundled under the duvet even if it’s 100 degrees outside. 

I also want to switch out my decorative pillows. I HATE having to take tons of pillows off and on of my bed every day, but I feel like there has to be something there. I love the look of these huge velvet pillows as a little pop of color in the room. To compliment that I want to pick up this blanket from West Elm as well as this rug to fully bring the space together! I’m also trying to figure out where I can put more faux plants in my room. I don’t have much space, so it might be a losing battle. 


This isn’t necessarily a wish list because I already bought them, but I wanted to share the new plates and bowls we bought. I bought everything in the Kaloh Collection from West Elm and I absolutely love them all! The pasta bowls and the cereal bowls are for sure my favorite though. 

Living Room

I would absolutely love to get some new throw pillows for the couch. We’ve had the same ones for so long now, and I just think we need an update. I love these from Urban Outfitters. I’d also love to get some sort of light source in there. Our living room can kind of turn into a cave, and Ashley and Allix have this weird thing where I’m literally not allowed to turn on the overhead light in the living room. I hate hanging out in there though because I want there to be light. Somehow I’ll sneak something in there! I know it doesn’t bring a ton of light but I definitely want to add a salt lamp. 

Interior Wish List & Big Clear Out

A big goal of mine is to be more minimalist. I have a tendency to hold onto things that I haven’t touched in years, and it can become very frustrating. When I buy some of these new things, and switch over my closet from summer to fall I’m going to really go through everything and donate anything that I haven’t touched in awhile. I’m going to do a full sweep of the entire apartment, reorganize, and donate anything we don’t use! It will feel nice to go into this new season fresh!

-Shelbs xx



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