March Intentions

Setting Goals And Keeping Accountability 

March Intentions

Last month I shared my February intentions, and I liked sharing them with you guys as a way to help keep me accountable. They were take time to recharge, protect my time, and shift my perspective. Let’s talk about how I did. I’ll admit I was not good about taking time to recharge. February was a very busy (and short!) month, and two of the weekends were spent traveling. I did take some time for this last weekend though! Even though it’s now March, these are more about implementing into my life long term, so I’ll call it a win! I feel like I was good about protecting my time in February. The things that I chose to do were things I wanted to do, and I said no to the things that I didn’t feel would fit into my three categories. I also feel that I was good at shifting my perspective to focus on the positive in February. So let’s talk about March. My March intentions are very tangible and attainable. 

Do Yoga 1x A Week

When I get busy and stressed, working out is the first thing to fall off of my to do list. I’m also not great at heading to the gym if it’s raining or snowing outside- mostly due to the fact that I don’t enjoy running on the treadmill soaking wet after walking in the elements to the gym. On days when I don’t make it to the gym, I’d like to make it my goal to do yoga at home. We’ve talked about it before, but we both really love the Yoga Studio app. 

Get Outside

Another thing I want to get better about is getting outside every day. When you work from home, and don’t have a reason to necessarily go outside, it’s easy to spend the whole day cooped up inside behind your laptop. I want to be more intentional about getting outside every day, even if it’s just to grab a coffee, run to Whole Foods, or better yet to take a walk on a pretty day. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]March Intentions[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]March Intentions[/one_half_last]
Read More Books

I’ve always been a big reader. I would spend the summers during my childhood borrowing a stack of books from the library and reading basically a book a day. As life has gone on, and I’ve gotten busier, reading is now an activity I pretty much just do on airplanes. Luckily, I seem to find myself on airplanes pretty frequently, but I still don’t read as much as I’d like to. I’m currently in the middle of Still Me, and I really like it so far. But I don’t know what to read next! Would love your recommendations in the comments below! 

Do you guys like to see our monthly intentions? What are your goals for the month? Let us know in the comments below and let’s help keep each other accountable!


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