My Autumn Makeup

…It’s All About That Glow

Autumn Makeup

Happy Monday Everyone! We have had a very busy past few days. Ashley had her surgery on Thursday, and she is doing really well. She will give you a little update on Wednesday, but in the mean time I wanted to let you in on how I get the perfect autumn makeup. Ashley isn’t into makeup as much as I am, so I’m definitely the sister you want to help you out. Fall is all about those glowy golden hues. Gold looks great with every eye color, so it’s perfect for all of you. 

My favorite Eye Shadows

Bronzer will be your best friend in the fall. When you lose that summer tan, bronzer can make up for that. Use a light hand, and you will be really pleased with your results. I only started using bronzer over the past couple of years and it completely changed my life. I feel like it gives me a perfect glow that my fair skin needs. Don’t be afraid of it. I am the palest person you will ever meet and it blends into my skin just fine!

My Favorite Bronzers

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The last thing that can give you the perfect autumn makeup look is a berry lip. I’m a huge fan of a dark lip, and try to do it most of the year even though that’s not really acceptable. But you know what, who cares about what’s right! If you love it, and you are confident you can rock anything. 

My Favorite Dark Lips

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The mix of golden shadow, bronzer, and a dark lip will get you the perfect autumn makeup look you have been searching for. What is your favorite autumn makeup product or look? This look goes great with my new favorite booties!

-Shelbs xx

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