My Five Beauty Must Haves

The Things I Can’t Live Without

My Five Beauty Must Haves

You all know that we are obsessed with all things beauty, skincare, and makeup. We talk about them all the time, but I don’t think I have ever sat down and talked about some of the products that I truly can’t live without. I’m trying to cut down my beauty routine, but let’s be honest that is going to be so hard. These 5 products are the things that I will never be able to cut out, even if I am able to do that at some point!

Micellar Water. I honestly can’t go a day without using this. It has so many purposes. I use it to take off my makeup, rinse my face, refresh my face in the afternoon, and even to correct errors in my makeup. Seriously. Micellar Water and a q-tip is the trick for fixing that winged liner! I like that there is no oil, because I can be prone to breakouts. I use it all day, which means I go through it pretty quickly. Good thing is, it’s really affordable! Especially the Garnier one! 

Origins Ginzeng Eye Cream. This stuff is pure magic! Truly! Every morning without fail this cream is going on my eyes. It is an instant refresh, and is pretty much coffee for your eyes. I think I have been using this for 6 or 7 years, and I honestly do not see myself ever stopping. I have yet to find any other morning eye cream that even remotely compares to this one. Anytime someone asks me for skincare advice this is one of the first products I say they have to buy. No if’s, ands, or buts about it! So, I”m saying that to you too. Go buy it now. It will change your life!

Dry Shampoo. I have totally jumped on the dry shampoo train. I truly use it every day, and that’s for a couple of reasons. First off, you shouldn’t wash your hair every day. That can really cause damage and in turn make your hair really weak. Second, I have VERY thick hair. Shampoo & Conditioner takes a good 15 minutes in the shower for me. It takes so long to rinse everything out. I honestly don’t have time for that. I also don’t like my hair natural, so I style it pretty much every time I wash. If I did that everyday I would have no hair left. I love the Batiste dry shampoo because it’s affordable and really good quality. I also really like Amika and Living Proof. Ashley wrote a whole post about dry shampoo over here if you want to hear about her favorites as well!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]My Five Beauty Must Haves[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]My Five Beauty Must Haves[/one_half_last]

Toner. I used to use Toner in high school, and then stopped until about 3 years ago. I’m not sure why I stopped, but I’m glad I picked it back up. I actually use two different ones every day. I’m honestly not sure if that’s bad or not, but it works for me. I like to pick more natural toner’s that work with the natural ph of my skin and body. I use the Thayer’s lavender one in the morning, and then at night I spray on the Kopari coconut rose toner. I love them both a lot, so you can pick what is best for you. 

Mascara. Now, full disclosure I use about 3 different mascaras and 2 primers every time I do my makeup. I know that is excessive and it sounds terrible reading that back, but hey it’s what works for me. I will always put a mascara on. Even if I am having a lazy minimal makeup day, mascara is one of the things that I will always do. If I had to tell you one mascara to get it would be this one. The Benefit They’re Real mascara is a serious game changer. I have used it for years, and it is perfect just on it’s own. 

What are your 5 beauty products you can’t live without!? I would love to know! Is there any I must add to my beauty routine!?

-Shelbs xx

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