My Love For Sneakers

I Might Be A Sneaker Addict

My Love For Sneakers

If you’ve been paying attention to our Instagram lately you might have noticed that all I have pretty much been wearing is sneakers. There are a couple reasons for this. We are usually either on a trip, or in NYC so we are constantly walking several miles everyday. You have to wear comfortable shoes to get through the day. I have also never been a heel person. I wear them if we are getting dressed up or if we have an event to go to, but that’s definitely not my go to shoe. During the winter I’m always wearing some sort of boots, but sneakers to me have been having a moment lately! 

These nike sneakers that I picked up in the Nordstrom Sale have been my go to. I throw them on like everyday. I also love my trusty Adidas as well. I just feel like they can go with absolutely anything. You can wear sneakers with pretty much every type of casual outfit and you end up looking great. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]My Love For Sneakers[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]My Love For Sneakers[/one_half_last]

I’ve had my eye on these Gucci sneakers for a couple years now, and if you know anything about me you know that once I set my mind to something I’m going to do it. I’ve been putting it off because they are pretty expensive, but I know they will last. I’m also really big on making sure my shoes are comfortable, and everyone that owns these absolutely loves them. 

I’ve also seen a lot of people wearing these Golden Goose sneakers. I really like them, but again they are a little more money and I think I would rather buy the Gucci ones. 

My Love For Sneakers

You also can’t go wrong with Nike training sneakers. I wear them even if I’m not working out. I have a black, white, and red pair! You have to have all of the options right? I think yes, but I’m also addicted to shoes so I probably shouldn’t be one to give advice!

What are your favorite sneakers? Let me know, because I’m always adding to my collection!

-Shelbs xx

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