NYC Bucket List

NYC Bucket List

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]NYC Bucket List[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]NYC Bucket List[/one_half_last]

NYC Bucket List

The day is here! We are currently on a plane en route to Denver, CO!!

As excited as we are, we’re feeling very nostalgic about leaving the city that shaped so much of who we each are today. We know that a lot of you found us because of our New York City content, and we hope that you want to continue following our adventures in Colorado. We filmed one last epic NYC vlog over the last few months- our NYC Bucket List!

This video is one of our favorites we’ve ever done. It’s our love letter to the city. We take you all over, showing you famous tourist attractions but also some of our local favorite spots. You can watch the video down below, and come on one last NYC adventure with us!

NYC Bucket List

See you in Colorado!

-Ash and Shelbs (and Allix!)




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