Party Invitation Inspiration | Basic Invite

The Key To A Successful Party Is A Perfect Invitation

Party Invitation Inspiration | Basic Invite

Hey Y’all! We did it, we made it to the weekend! I’m so excited for this weekend particularly because it is our last one to do absolutely nothing until early next year. Isn’t that crazy!? The end of the year always seems to be super busy for us, but there are a couple things I am really looking forward to. First up is my birthday! In just three weeks I will be celebrating the big two-five! How in the world has a quarter of my life already gone by? It’s just crazy. I decided that I wanted to have a low key get together at a hotel in Brooklyn, and I knew just the way to invite everyone.

Party Invitation Inspiration | Basic Invite

Basic Invite has so many options, colors, and templates that makes picking out your invitation a party within itself. I went straight to the birthday invitations to choose a few to play around with. One of the great things about Basic Invite is that they are one of the few sites where you can get printed samples sent to you of your invitation before you order. This is so crucial because you want to make sure you absolutely love what you have created. 

One of the other great things I love about Basic Invite is that they have almost unlimited color options, and you can preview them right on the site. Once you select a design you can change the color of each element on the card to over 180 different color options so you can make sure the card is exactly how you want it down to the littlest detail. This was so much fun when creating my cards, and I was blown away with how amazing they looked in person.

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Party Invitation Inspiration | Basic Invite[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Party Invitation Inspiration | Basic Invite[/one_half_last]

Basic Invite has great affordable party invitations for every budget. Price varies by the customizations that you choose, but they are definitely affordable all the way through. Especially with the quality of the prints that you receive Basic Invite is one of the most affordable sites I have used. 


Every year Ashley and I always throw some sort of themed holiday party, and send out Christmas cards. When I saw the Holiday Party Invitations on Basic Invite’s website I almost fell to the floor! I thought they were incredible and perfect for the holiday season. I made one for our annual holiday cookie exchange, and one for our Christmas cards. I mean c’mon! They are so cute right! 

Party Invitation Inspiration | Basic Invite

Another awesome thing about Basic Invite, especially for the holidays, is that they have over 40 different colors of envelopes. I went to town with this part. How fun is it that you can even customize the envelope!

I fell in love with all of the samples I made, and I can’t wait to order the rest of my invites and holiday cards. If you have anything coming up, especially with the holidays you should give basic invite a try. They have amazing customer service, and an even greater product. Happy Shopping!

-Shelbs xx

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Don’t forget to pick up all of your Autumn Makeup and read Ashley’s update after her surgery!

*This is a sponsored blog post by Basic Invite. We received compensation, but all thoughts and opinions are our own.

This is a sponsored blog post by Basic Invite. We received compensation, but all thoughts and opinions are our own.

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