Our Most Frequently Asked Questions


We get a lot of questions over on our Instagram all the time about many different topics! We are always open to answering them, but we thought it would be nice to have a blog post with some of those frequently asked questions and answers! If you do have something specific though, feel free to send us a DM over on Instagram!

What’s Been Your Favorite Place You Have Traveled? We both agree that it was Iceland! The country is just so cool and unique. We had never seen anything like it before. We highly recommend you make it out there if you can. We are already planning our next trip!

What Cameras Do You Use? We use several cameras, and all for different things:

Photos: Iphone X & Canon EOS Rebel SL2

Videos: Canon G7X and a GoPro Hero Session 4

How Do You Edit Your Photos? We edit all of our photos in lightroom.

If You Could Fly Somewhere New Tomorrow To Visit Where Would It Be? Definitely Australia or New Zealand! Or both really! Finding the time to plan and go on that trip would be incredible! 

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Blogging? We really enjoy the freedom it gives us. We get to live our lives exactly how we would normally, we just get to share it all with you. We also love connecting with y’all all over the world!

Do You Always Get Along? Short answer no. Long answer yes. We do get in fights from time to time, but they are always short lived and we are back to normal 5 minutes later. 

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Living In New York? There are so many great things about living in new York, but the main thing is convenience. There is literally everything you could ever want here in New York. Chinese food at 3 A.M.? Easy. Bike riding in the park? Done. 6 hour flights to Europe? You got it! You get my point, everything you could want is right at your fingertips.

How Do You Balance Everything? We talk about this all the time, and we don’t understand how bloggers do this alone. Even with two of us it is very hard to balance it all. Blogging is hard y’all, and don’t let anyone else tell you differently. There is so much stuff that happens behind the scenes, and you basically have to be an expert at everything. We are very lucky that we are two different people who have two different interests. So long story short, it definitely takes both of us together to balance everything out.

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If you have any other questions don’t be afraid to leave them down below or send us a DM on instagram

-Shelbs xx



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