Quarantine Update and Life Lately

Quarantine Update and Life Lately


So as you probably gathered, we took a little break from the blog. This was for a few reasons, but mainly because we were trying to adjust to the new “normal” of life in quarantine, but also because we were not going anywhere or doing anything because, well quarantine. But now that some select things in NYC are opening up, and we’ve adjusted to our new way of life for the foreseeable future at least, our goal is to return to regular blog posts in this space. But even though we haven’t been posting on the blog over the past 3 months, we did film and share some vlogs over on our YouTube Channel that show some of the things we’ve been up too. So in case you missed them, here are the videos if you’re interested. 

Some updates from the past few months-
We are grateful for our proximity to Central Park. We’re there basically daily and find it’s a welcome escape from our apartment since we can’t go anywhere else. 
We’re still opting to avoid going inside anywhere, including grocery shopping, so Whole Food’s grocery delivery thru Amazon has been a frequent occurrence. Early on during quarantine it was very difficult to score a slot, but thankfully that has gotten easier now. But we’re still having issues finding toilet paper easily… why is that a thing??
A lot of you probably either know someone or have personally had a quarantine birthday, and Ashley just had hers last week
Shelby has gotten really into TikTok. You can find her there @shelbyadunn.
The Sister Market is still open and shipping as usual! As an online only business we are not experiencing any closures due to Covid. 
We hope you are all safe, healthy, and doing well during this crazy time! 
-Ash and Shelbs

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