Red Eye Flight Travel Tips

Red Eye Flight Travel Tips

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0″]Red Eye Flight Travel Tips[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 3px”]Red Eye Flight Travel Tips[/one_half_last]

We take red eye flights quite a bit, especially when traveling back to NYC from the West coast or flying from NYC to Europe. I’ve pretty much perfected my routine at this point, and through trial and error have learned what to do and what not to do for the best experience. In case you don’t know, a red eye flight is just a flight that is overnight. It’s a nice option to have for those long haul cross country flights so that you don’t lose a whole day traveling. Of course, that also means you are essentially spending your night sleeping on the plane. I am NOT a good airplane sleeper, but by following these tips I’ve managed to arrive at my destination not as a total mess. 

  • Before you head to the airport for a red eye flight, act like you are getting ready for bed. Take a relaxing bath or shower, do your full skincare routine, whatever you typically do at home prior to going to bed. This starts to help trigger your mind for sleep. 
  • Dress very comfortably. Airplane seats are already not a comfy cozy environment for sleeping, so you want to wear something that is going to be comfortable. I always wear these leggings, a cozy cashmere sweater, and a scarf like this one that can double as a blanket. I also wear shoes I can easily slip off/on and after boarding the plane I’ll take them off. This also triggers your brain it’s time for bed, because who sleeps in shoes? Don’t forget a pair of thick cozy socks so your feet don’t get cold! 
  • Pack a little bag in your carry on with some skincare essentials. This mask is super moisturizing and you don’t have to wash it off so it’s ideal for planes. I roll this essential oil rollerball on the bottom of my feet, wrists, temples, and just under my nose. Don’t forget a toothbrush and toothpaste! The last thing I do before going to bed each night is brush my teeth, so just before boarding the plane I head to the bathroom in the airport and do just that. Same thing as soon as I land in the morning. I talk more about my carry on essentials in this post so head over there to see more. 
  • If you’re someone who can fall asleep anytime anywhere then you can ignore this tip, but if you have a harder time falling asleep than consider taking a melatonin, a natural sleep aid, just prior to take off. 
  • Sit in the window seat! I always sit in the window seat for red eye flights for a couple of reasons. You can use the side of the plane to prop up your pillow and lean against for a more comfortable sleeping angle. And secondly, you won’t be disturbed while sleeping. There is nothing worse than being in a deep sleep and getting shaken awake by your seat mate who needs to pee. And people are always bumping into you if you’re in the aisle seat, although this is the seat Shelby always chooses because she is that person who is always getting up to pee. This way she doesn’t disturb others. 
  • Other essentials I pack for every red eye flight are a travel pillow, eye mask, and noise cancelling headphones
  • If your destination after a red eye flight isn’t your home, be sure to have a few other essentials easily accessible in your carry on. Most red eye flights have you landing in the early hours of the morning, before you will be able to check into your hotel room. Sometimes we get lucky and our room is ready early, but we never rely on that. So we’ve perfected the airport bathroom morning routine. Shelby and I usually head straight to the bathroom upon landing, open up our suitcases and quickly change out of our cozy airplane clothes and into a new outfit for the day. Then we’ll brush our teeth and apply a touch of makeup before setting out to conquer the day!


Have you ever taken a red eye flight? What are your tips and tricks? Have any questions for us? Drop a comment down below and we’ll get back to you.


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