The List | Issue 12

…Because there is always something to love

The List | Issue 12

Welcome to a new issue of The List! This is a series I used to write on the blog a couple of years ago that I thought it was time to bring back! The List is comprised of the things we are loving and/or doing at the moment that we want to share with all of you. Today I have a mix of products I’m loving and using lately. You can see the previous issue of The List here

  1. Weighted Blanket – I ordered myself a weighted blanket about a year ago and it has quite literally become my comfort blanket. I think the one thing everyone has in common in 2020 is an increase in anxiety. Nothing makes me feel more instantly calm and comforted like my weighted blanket. There are many different types and weights of these blankets. The one I have is 12 lbs, which I feel is the perfect weight. I picked this one mostly because I liked that it had a removable cover so I could easily wash it. If you don’t already have a weighted blanket I highly recommend you treating yourself to one this fall!
  2. Blow Dry Brush – I’ve never love blow drying my hair. Growing up I used to make my Dad blow dry my hair every time I washed it. He was pretty good at it actually! And as an adult I typically let my hair air dry. But this blow dry brush seemed to solve my issue of never feeling like I had enough hands when trying to blow out my hair with a dryer and a brush. It’s super easy to use and I love the extra lift and volume I get when I use it that I don’t get from air drying. They’ve also really dropped in price recently so if you’ve wanted to try one yourself now is the time!
  3. Jewelry Box – For years I’ve just had all of my jewelry thrown into a ceramic flower shaped bowl I got at Ikea like 12 years ago. After binge watching The Home Edit on Netflix I was inspired to reorganize a few areas (who wasn’t?!) and I decided it was time to get some grown up jewelry storage. These stacking trays are what I ended up with and I love them! I can clearly see everything I have, everything has a place, and it’s all better protected.
  4. Instant Camera – Over the summer I ordered this instant camera and have loved snapping some special moments on film over the past few months. We always take a million photos on our phones, but I almost never print anything out to have actually physical photos. Now I just need to figure out some way to display them. I bought these magnets and have a few displayed on the fridge, but I’m torn between something like this or frames like this for other areas of the house. 
  5. Leopard Boots – I talked about these on Instagram recently but I’m obsessed with these leopard boots from Target! Not only are the cute, they are very comfy (a must for walking around NYC) and such a good price! I did swap out the red laces for black because I’m just not a “red” person.

What items are you loving lately?


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