Things That Make Me Smile | No. 12

Happiness Is A Choice

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 12

Planning Our Trip To London. Nothing makes me smile bigger than good ole London, England. It’s my favorite place on the planet, and planning our recent trip made me so incredibly happy. We had an absolute blast, and I already can’t wait to go back again. Look out for those blog posts and vlog coming next week!

Meal Prepping. I don’t really do this in the traditional sense, but I like to plan out what meals I’m going to have for the week, but not necessarily the exact day. I am a chronic overbuyer. I just grab anything that looks fun at the store. My bank account doesn’t really like that. I set myself a challenge to only buy the things on my list. I also love doing all of the research on Pinterest to find some amazing meals to try!

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 12

My Hair. I know this is a weird one… hahahaha My natural hair color is really dark, and I changed it back to that last fall. I have been itching to get some lighter colors put in, and I was so happy that I was able to fit it in when I was home a couple of weeks ago! I’m ready for spring/summer y’all!

Instagram. I may regret this next week, but I’ve really been drawn to Instagram lately. I have a very love/hate relationship with it. Would I love to get to 10k followers? Absolutely, but in reality that is very hard in this day in age. In a culture where you are bombarded with content, and where people just follow/unfollow right away it’s really hard to make some traction. In spite of all of that, I have been really drawn to Instagram Stories. Since we cut back one of our videos on YouTube I’ve had more opportunity to upload on there. If you aren’t following us yet you can click right here and follow!

What has been making you smile lately? Leave a comment down below!

-Shelbs xx


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