Things That Make Me Smile | No. 7

Happiness Is A Choice

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 7

It’s been awhile since I have done one of these posts, so I thought it was about time. This summer has been amazing so far, and there are so so many things that are making me smile. It’s always really humbling to sit down and write these. I am so damn grateful for everything that I get to experience. I don’t take it for granted at all. I know my life isn’t “normal”, but Ashley and I work really hard to get to do everything that we do. It’s definitely a blessing.

I have been able to spend so much time with my cousin Rachel this summer. It’s been really nice to get to know her as a young adult, because she was 9 when I moved to New York! We’ve spent more time together this summer than we ever have, and I’ve had so much fun with her! She is basically the exact same as me, except 10 years younger. We like all the same things, she is currently texting me all the books she loves that I need to read, and we are both our parents favorite! Right mom!? 😉

Traveling is a huge source of my happiness and honestly keeps me sane. We have been to so many amazing places this year so far, and there are some great ones coming up. I don’t know how I could mentally handle not traveling. I love looking forward to something, and exploring new cultures all around the world. Ash and I were just talking about this last night, but we would like to hit at least 100 countries in our lifetime. We have already been to 17, almost 18! 

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 7

Last but not least, all of you guys have been making me so incredibly happy lately! There was so much amazing feedback from my anxiety post, which I so appreciate. It’s not hard being vulnerable, but my biggest mission with that post was for it to help someone who needed it that day. I think it truly did and that make me smile so freaking big! Also, you all are so freaking sweet and keep asking about a coffee meet up in New York! Ash and I are so honored that you want to come hang out with us! Don’t worry, we are planning something, so keep your eyes peeled on our Instagram for all of the details!

What has been making you smile lately?

-Shelbs xx


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