Things That Make Me Smile | No.8

Happiness Is A Choice

Things That Make Me Smile | No.8

 Coffee. Something so simple, but something that brings me so much joy and happiness. I start my morning with coffee, and usually have some in the afternoon as well. I make coffee at home most of the time, but we do really enjoy venturing out and trying new places. One of my favorite accounts to follow on Instagram is newyorkcoffeeshops. It’s such a great way to learn about places all around the city to get great coffee. We popped into a new one over the weekend, Jack’s Stir Brew, and it was amazing! So thankful that we live in an amazing city that has so many great coffee options.

Good Music. Now, this is something that I have appreciated my whole life. I’m not going to get into specifics, but music literally runs through my veins. From my first memory of driving with my dad singing at the top of our lungs to Crocodile Rock, to now when I just sit in my room and listen to the funky chords of my new favorite song Rewind, I can barely go 5 minutes without music. It’s just one of those things that have always been a part of my life. The way certain songs can make you feel is just fascinating. I’ve always joked that I am going to marry a musician one day because I need someone to constantly be playing music for me. Who knows what the future holds, but I hope I’m right. 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No.8[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No.8[/one_half_last]

Morning Walks By Myself. Recently first thing In the mornings I head off on a 1.5 mile walk by myself. I put in my headphones, see here’s the music again, and just totally get lost in the nature, the buildings, the trees, and the music. I’ve noticed it’s really started to help me get in a great mindset for the day, plus I also get a little bit of exercise in. Bonus! I’ve still been going into the gym for a workout as well, but it just feels good to start your day off that way. 

Reconnecting. Recently I have reconnected with a good friend of mine. We used to talk all the time during our One Direction days, and that continued into our love for Harry. One of our favorite book series that we read back in college is being turned into a movie, and an actor and musician in the movie has now become our hot topic. Literally, we haven’t stopped in 3 weeks. Something you should know about me is that I’m a scorpio and I have one of the most obsessive personalities and I feel things very deeply. When I find something I like I am ALL in! It’s very intense but super cool at the same. So, pretty much my entire life over the past few weeks have been take over by this boy. Literally can’t stop watching his movies and listening to his music. Hi, I’m Shelby. I’m almost 26, a complete fangirl, and I feel 16 at heart. Also, I’m going to be so annoying and not say his name because he’s not super famous and I want to keep him to myself until the movie comes out next year! Yeah…I’m that person! 

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No.8[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No.8[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No.8[/one_third_last]

Family. This sort of goes along with reconnecting and I mentioned this last time, but my cousin and I have really grown so incredibly close this year. It’s been really fun to get to know her as an adult, plus she totally keeps me young. We send each other pictures of cute boys every day, and talk about her high school life. I can’t wait to travel with her and introduce to all of the amazing things this world has to offer! Hold your family close! They are amazing!

What has been making you smile lately! Leave a comment down below and let me know!

-Shelbs xx


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