Things That Make Me Smile | No. 9

Happiness Is A Choice

Things That Make Me Smile | No. 9

Fall/Autumn Everything. We recently went apple picking and put out all of our fall decorations. We also picked up so many pumpkins that we have scattered around our apartment. We absolutely LOVE all things autumn so this has been making me so happy lately. Not to mention that the weather is finally cooling off, and we might have already watched Hocus Pocus. No shame right?

Our Secret Project. Okay I’m so so sorry to mention it again, but it’s true. For the past few months we have been working so hard on this, and as stressful as it can be at times it truly does make me smile every single day. We are making a big announcement in a couple weeks so get excited. We are so nervous/excited to share everything with y’all, but we think you are going to love it!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No. 9[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Things That Make Me Smile | No. 9[/one_half_last]

Soup. I know I know, what a weird thing to smile about right? The weather is finally cooled off enough to devour a big bowl of soup or chili everynight. If you watched our apple picking vlog you would have seen that I literally bought ALL of the soup from Trader Joe’s! I can’t help it I love soup so much. I’m surprised we haven’t made our chili yet. As soon as we get back from Seattle/Portland it’s happening!

Trusting The Universe. I am very in tune with myself and my surroundings, and I truly do believe that the universe gives you signs for pretty much everything. There have been a lot of different things that I have been thinking about lately and asking the universe for some guidance and direction. Most of the time I get an answer right away. It’s pretty cool if that’s what you choose to believe in. 

What has been making you smile lately? Let me know down below!

-Shelbs xx

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