Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo

Walking The Brooklyn Bridge For The First Time

Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo

Can y’all believe that we have lived here for 9 years and we have never walked the Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan to Dumbo!? That seems absolutely crazy, but we haven’t. Well, technically I have been on the bridge. In 2010 when I came here on a school trip we walked onto the bridge briefly, but we didn’t walk across the whole thing. 

Since Covid-19 is very much still real, we have been trying to brainstorm some activities that are outside that we can do safely while social distancing. We are still very cautious here. We walk to Central Park several times a week, go to the grocery store sparingly (thank goodness for Amazon Prime Whole Foods delivery), I do two outside SoulCycle classes a week, and occasionally we eat out at restaurants but outside only. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to go to the bridge since we really don’t have any tourists here right now. 

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third_last]

Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo

The easiest way to access the bridge is from the Brooklyn Bridge/City hall subway station. You can pretty much walk out directly onto the bridge. The total length from start to finish is about 1.6 miles. It definitely doesn’t seem that long though. It was pretty windy when we were directly over the water. You also want to make sure you stay in the walking lane. There is a bike lane right next to it, and there are lots of bikers. You get amazing views when you are right in the middle of the bridge.

Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third_last]

Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo

When we got off the other side we wanted to spend a little bit of time walking around Dumbo. We went to the iconic street to take pictures with the Manhattan bridge in the background, and we stopped at Butler Bakeshop to grab a quick coffee. The views of Manhattan are spectacular from Dumbo.

[one_third padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third][one_third padding=”0 3px 0 3px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Walking The Brooklyn Bridge | Manhattan to Dumbo[/one_third_last]

We had so much fun playing tourist in our own city! Have you ever walked the Brooklyn Bridge?

-Shelbs xx

You can watch our vlog from the weekend below!

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