Where To Find The Best Pizza In NYC

A Pizza A Day Keeps The Doctor Away…I Mean Keeps You Happy

Where To Find The Best Pizza In NYC

Hey Y’all! Happy Monday! We are currently having the greatest time ever in Copenhagen, but I wanted to pop in and tell you all about my one true love, pizza! If you have been following us for awhile you know that I am completely obsessed with pizza, and could truly eat it for every meal. Trust me, I know a lot about pizza, and today I am going to share with you my go to pizza places in Manhattan! I didn’t pick these lightly. They have gone through the Shelbs test, and I am very confident that you will like them to0! Do not get stuck in the tourist traps, like John’s in Times Square! Trust me, skip it and pick one of these instead!

Pizza Beach. With two locations, LES & UES, Pizza Beach is really becoming known as one of the best pizza joints in the city. They have a fantastic atmosphere, tasty cocktails & wine, and spectacular pizza. I love the regular margherita, but they also have some amazing seasonal specials and out of the box flavors that are truly awesome. If you love avocado toast, but also love pizza order their crushed avocado pie! It’s insane! 

Gotham. NYC is known for grab and go slices of pizza, especially late at night. People will recommend lots of places, and you will see them lining all the streets, but the real winner here is Gotham Pizza. Get a slice of pepperoni! It will change your life! Anytime we want a quick slice we always head to Gotham!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Where To Find The Best Pizza In NYC[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Where To Find The Best Pizza In NYC[/one_half_last]

Lombardi’s. This place is the OG of NYC pizza for us! Lombardi’s is one of the first places both of us ever had pizza in New York, and we were sold from the second we walked in the door. They claim to be America’s first ever pizza joint, and I truly believe it. You feel the history when you are there. They don’t sell by the slice, and they only take cash so be prepared. Order the White Pizza. It’s to die for! 

Artichoke Basille’s. If you are a New Yorker you have recommended Artichoke to someone who has asked where to get pizza. It truly is that good, and pretty much every New Yorker eats there. Staying true to the name you have to order their artichoke pizza. 

Eataly. Okay now stay with me hear. I know this isn’t the traditional NYC pizza, but trust me it’s so good! Eataly has several restaurants to choose from, but their pizza and pasta restaurant is truly so tasty. I have eaten there so many times, and I approve. I never thought their pizza would be bad because I mean it’s Eataly, but it really is good! 

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]Where To Find The Best Pizza In NYC[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]Where To Find The Best Pizza In NYC[/one_half_last]

Okay…now I need to go get some pizza stat! What’s your favorite pizza spot in NYC!? I’m always open to trying new places!

-Shelbs xx

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